Astute insights from Patrick Trümpi at Taskbase (even if it stings just a little, as we had our origins consulting around our AIM methodology). The important thing is that you have a process, and that the customer’s strategy is at the center of it! #sales #process #meddic
MEDDPICC is overengineered for deals < 50k ARR. BANT is useless for outbound generated deals. SPICED is not sophisticated enough for deals over 500k ARR. Do you have to work with any of these? Not necessarily. I studied most existing sales methodologies (NEAT, Challenger, SNAP, ANUM, etc.) and found they have more in common than not. Here are the four factors most have in common: 1???They are using an acronym to highlight the importance of focusing on the Need/Pain/Problem of the prospect. Not surprising this one, right? 2???They want to describe the impact of not solving a problem and/or building a quantitative business case for larger deals. They stress the understanding of what happens if the problem is not solved in the near future. 3???They highlight the importance of a salesperson knowing with whom they talk. They use words such as “Authority”, “Economic Buyer”, “Decision maker”, Champion” and other roles. Makes sense as well. 4???They highlight the understanding of the process and/or timeline to get the signature of the prospect. Some only use “timeline”, some use “Decision Process” and others “Mutual Action Plan”. If you do not somehow directing the focus of your sales team on those four, you are probably doing something wrong. And what about other criteria? Add them if you think they are important for your process: "Competition" "Paper Process" "Teaching Value" How do you know they are important? If you lose business because you did not focus enough. Check out the data of your close lost opportunties. That is how MEDDIC came to life.