#ICYMI - Check out CEO & Founding Managing Director, Parag Shah's interview with Jon Chee from the Biotech Startups Podcast to learn more about creating innovative financing solutions for emerging biotech companies who have very specific needs.
"Try, but, you know, don't spend forever failing. Fail fast. Right? Like, try hard, and if you realize it's not gonna work, move on, because you'll learn so many lessons from it not working out that you'll apply it to the next and the next." In Part 1 of The Biotech Startups Podcast conversation with K2 HealthVentures CEO & Founding Managing Director, Parag Shah, we explore the power of embracing failure and learning from experiences. In this episode, we cover: – The importance of taking calculated risks and being open to new opportunities – Building a career at the intersection of science, finance, and entrepreneurship – The value of adaptability and persistence in professional growth – Creating innovative financing solutions for emerging biotech companies who have very specific needs This episode offers invaluable insights into the entrepreneurial mindset and the evolution of biotech financing. Head over to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for this episode and more stories only a biotech exec can tell! #biotechnology #lifesciences #podcast