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JSI is dedicated to improving people’s lives around the world through greater health, education, and socioeconomic equity for individuals and communities, and to providing an environment where people of passion can pursue this cause. Our staff are recognized for their expertise, dedication to social justice, approach to partnership, and thought leadership.

1,001-5,000 人
global health、applied research、digital health、behavioral health、health communication、health supply chain management、health systems strengthening、hiv & infectious diseases 、immunization、maternal and child health和disease outbreaks


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    ?? Strong Supply Chains Save Lives??? At JSI, we strengthen health supply chains from end to end, ensuring communities receive the medicines and commodities they need, no matter the challenge. From mentoring in #Somalia to supporting youth in #Zambia, we are committed to building resilient, responsive supply chains globally. Discover more in our latest newsletter and don’t miss our upcoming event at the Global Health Supply Chain Summit! #SupplyChain #GlobalHealth #GHSCSummit #SupplyChainInnovation #PublicHealth

    Strong Supply Chains Save Lives

    Strong Supply Chains Save Lives


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    COVID-19 underscored the importance of #GlobalHealthSecurity in preventing zoonotic and emerging infectious diseases from becoming major global threats. Through USAID's?CHISU Program?we're using the #OneHealth approach and partnering with 20+ countries to strengthen health information systems and integrate multi-sectoral data. Together, we're enhancing the ability to prevent, detect, and respond to health threats while monitoring essential services. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/e8vaHfFu #HIS #DataForHealth #Pandemic #COVID19 #GlobalHealth

    Preventing the Next Pandemic: CHISU Advances Shared Data for Global Health Security - JSI

    Preventing the Next Pandemic: CHISU Advances Shared Data for Global Health Security - JSI


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    Join JSI's HCDExchange this morning for a conversation on lessons learned from monitoring and evaluating #HumanCenteredDesign within adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (#AYSRH) programs.


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    ?????? ?????????????????????? In 2022, the HCDExchange, in collaboration with the Vihara Innovation Network, conducted a landscape review of measurement and evaluation practices in HCD+ASRH programming. We have now published this landscape review which discusses lessons learned on M&E approaches in HCD+AYSRH programs to increase understanding of how M&E was integrated, highlight key emerging challenges, and propose future areas of learning. Read the: 1. Complete landscape review: https://lnkd.in/eR2n28uF 2. A shorter Summary Report: https://lnkd.in/dNMhsrKt Join us next week on Wednesday, October 16 5pm EAT as we discuss the findings from this review in detail: https://lnkd.in/dwmqYjVW

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    Through the JSI-led Immunization Collaborative Supply Planning Strengthening (ICSPS) project, we are working with #DRC, #Ethiopia, #Mozambique, and #Nigeria to make #datadriven decisions on #vaccine forecasting and supply planning. By identifying inefficiencies, fostering collaboration, and using new methods of forecasting vaccines and monitoring supplies - these countries are working on improving vaccine access, enhancing coordination among stakeholders, and establishing robust, real-time data systems. Together, we are building stronger health systems to ensure communities get the #vaccines and commodities they need where and when they need them. Check out the case study of the Mozambique forecast: https://lnkd.in/gq48jwgD Download the vaccine forecast documentation template: https://lnkd.in/gN2EqazX Through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, JSI along with Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc., inSupply Health, VillageReach, and WI-HER, LLC are working in partnership with a network of immunization stakeholders from global, regional, and country levels, including Ministries of Health, World Health Organization, UNICEF, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. #GlobalHealth #Immunization #SupplyChain #VaccineAccess #DataDriven

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    查看Christina Villella, MPH的档案,图片

    Senior Technical Advisor, Digital Health at JSI | John Snow, Inc.

    Still processing the whirlwind that was #UNGA79. Across numerous sessions on topics such as women’s health, #AI, #climatechange, #antimicrobialresistance, and leveraging technology for the advancing the #SDGs, the importance of data rang through loud and clear. For JSI, this just further highlights the importance of our work in strengthening health information systems and continuing to work with our local partners to enhance and innovate on ways to collect, analyze, use, and enhance the quality of data on projects such as CHISU Program, Ethiopia Data Use Partnership (DUP), Digital Health Activity (DHA). Some key calls to action we are walking away with are: - We must continue to work to enact laws to safeguard health data. Transform Health, World Health Organization and PATH unveiled the #healthdatagovernance model law (https://shorturl.at/4RE9v) that can be adapted by countries. We heard stories from youth about their experiences accessing their health data which drove home the importance of JSI’s work in supporting governance of country health information systems and local partners to adopt health data governance laws to ensure public trust and accountability in the use of #digitaltechnology and data in the health sector.? - Use of generative AI to improve #HealthCare is moving rapidly and we must work to strengthen capacity of governments and health workers to leverage this technology to ensure it reaches its fullest potential. We also need to continue to develop inclusive datasets to ensure we do not introduce bias into our models. The United Nations also released its Universal Digital Public Infrastructure Safeguards Framework (https://shorturl.at/akuWu) - At a session on #WomensHealth and the SDGs hosted by ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector and Society for Women's Health Research (SWHR), it was clear that we must continue to ensure data is available to understand the impacts of health issues on women, including analysis of impact across all reproductive stages. We need to ensure that women are at the table when making decisions about research and assessing program outcomes. JSI’s CHISU project has been leading global conversations on the importance of integrating gender into health information systems strengthening: https://lnkd.in/eKQGWTUe Yasmin Chandani #digitalhealth #summitofthefuture #HealthInformationSystems #UHC #PCH #PrimaryHealth #HealthSystemsStrengthening #HealthSystems #globalhealthsecurity #HIS #CHISU? #DHA

    Model Law: Health Data Governance Principles

    Model Law: Health Data Governance Principles


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    查看Adamson NDHLOVU的档案,图片

    Medical Doctor | Global Health & Infectious Diseases | Project Management | Administration

    Last day of the #HIVR4P Conference in #Lima, #Peru! I have had the pleasure of appreciating some of the latest cutting-edge HIV prevention research from researchers around the world on topics touching on long-acting injectable products, multipurpose prevention tools including the dual prevention pill and exciting injectable options in the pipeline, HIV vaccine research, broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) for HIV prevention among others. Alongside my colleagues Musonda Musonda, James Mwanza and Jessica Posner, I had the pleasure of presenting JSI's amazing work in supporting the Zambia's Ministry of Health HIV Prevention program through the USAID/Zambia-funded DISCOVER-Health Project. The first oral abstract (https://lnkd.in/d8CFcEgH) I presented on behalf of the DISCOVER-Health team on Tuesday on early experiences with long acting PrEP products showed promising uptake of long-acting injectable Cabotegravir (CAB-LA), with an impressive continuation rate of 91% at initiation injection II, and 4% discontinuation rate, mainly due to Hepatitis B seropositivity. In my second oral abstract (https://lnkd.in/d6ZwTSUc), we showcased how a PrEP case-manager model using upskilled community-health workers to support uptake and improve client literacy helped reduce HIV acquisition among individuals on oral PrEP with an annual incidence of 0.013 per 100 persons-years. These findings not only show the potential game-changing HIV prevention option that CAB-LA is, but also the value of optimizing PrEP delivery through innovative approaches such as the case-manager model employed by the USAID DISCOVER-Health Project for maximal health outcomes and achievement of the global HIV prevention targets.

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    Join us tomorrow to hear from our CHISU Program colleagues on implementing the Malaria Routine Data Quality Assessment tool in three countries and the lessons learned along the way. #Malaria #InfectiousDiseases #GlobalHealthSecurity #GlobalHealth

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    Data quality is critical to ensure it is trusted by decision-makers to improve service delivery and health outcomes.?Good quality data is accurate, complete, timely, and coherent and triggers data use for decision-making. This is especially important for malaria programs, where targeting interventions based on quality data is critical to ensure effective programs. The Malaria Routine Data Quality Assessment (mRDQA) Tool supports targeted, rapid data-quality assessments focused on monitoring malaria data quality as part of routine supervision efforts. The tool aims to standardize and facilitate routine assessments led by a district team during supportive supervision visits at health facilities and can be used by central and regional staff jointly with district teams to assist in data quality efforts. Join CHISU to hear about country experience in adopting and implementing mRDQA in Mali, Guinea, and Cote d’Ivoire. Countries will detail their successes, challenges, and solutions. We are hoping to see more countries?engaging themselves in adopting and implementing a mobile app developed in Android to further improve the data quality of malaria. This webinar will be in French. English interpretation will be provided.? Fran?ais: La qualité des données est essentielle pour garantir que les décideurs leur fassent confiance afin d’améliorer la prestation de services et les résultats en matière de santé.?Les données de bonne qualité sont exactes, complètes, promptes, et cohérentes suscitent leur utilisation pour la prise de décision. Ceci est particulièrement important pour les programmes de lutte contre le paludisme, où le ciblage des interventions sur la base de données de qualité est essentiel pour garantir l’efficacité des programmes. L’outil d’évaluation de la qualité des données de routine sur le paludisme (mRDQA)?est utilisé pour des évaluations ciblées et rapides de la qualité des données axées sur le suivi de la qualité des données sur le paludisme dans le cadre des supervision de routine. L'outil vise à standardiser et à faciliter les évaluations de routine menées par des équipes de district lors des visites de supervision formative dans les établissements de santé et peut être utilisé par le personnel du niveau central et régional conjointement avec les équipes des districts pour contribuer aux efforts?d'amélioration de la qualité des données. Rejoignez CHISU pour découvrir l'expérience des pays en matière d'adoption et de mise en ?uvre de mRDQA au Mali, en Guinée et en C?te d'Ivoire. Les pays partageront leurs succès et leurs défis ainsi que les approches de solutions. Nous espérons voir davantage de pays?s’engager dans l’adoption et la mise en ?uvre de l’application mobile développée sous Android pour améliorer la qualité des données sur le paludisme. Ce webinaire sera en fran?ais. Une interprétation en anglais sera assurée.

    Improving Malaria Data Quality to Improve Malaria Programming: Lessons Lear

    Improving Malaria Data Quality to Improve Malaria Programming: Lessons Lear


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    Today is International Day of the Girl Child! Let’s recognize the potential of girls to lead, innovate, and shape the future. By breaking down barriers, challenging stereotypes, and providing equal opportunities, we can support the next generation of female leaders. The JSI-led USAID MOMENTUM Routine Immunization program in #India has worked with young girls to be vaccine champions within their community! Here a group of volunteers from a local school in Chattisgarh go door-to-door to mobilize their community to get vaccinated against #COVID19. #InternationalDayoftheGirlChild #DayoftheGirlChild

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    At JSI, we’re committed to improving maternal and child health through innovative solutions. In #Yemen, our USAID-funded Systems, Health, and Resiliency Project developed the “Mother’s Gift Calendar.” This calendar has been a crucial tool for reminding mothers about vaccination schedules and postnatal visits, enhancing vaccine acceptance. In #Zambia, our USAID Zambia Accessible Markets for Health project adapted the calendar, translated it into English, and redesigned it to fit the local context to promote the importance of immunizing children up to two years old. Translated and redesigned, the calendar serves as a vital reminder for caregivers. Together, we’re making strides to ensure that every child receives essential vaccinations through cross-project learning and adaptation. Learn more about our work: https://lnkd.in/e_kZxwdz #MaternalHealth #ChildHealth #VaccinesMatter #CrossProjectLearning

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    People living with #HIV sometimes cycle in and out of care due to a myriad of barriers to consistent treatment. Thoughtful programming that puts people first can help facilities, especially as they transition to more integrated services, maintain the high standards needed to lower the barriers people face and help them stay on treatment, living long and healthy lives. Our person-centered care framework and assessment tool (PCC-AT) guides program development and helps facilities evaluate services with intention to improve person-centered care. Learn more about person-centered care at JSI:?https://lnkd.in/eMcs_9w2 #PersonCenteredCare #GlobalHealth #PublicHealth

    查看Jessica Posner的档案,图片

    Public Health Professional

    This article shines a light on the growing rates of discontinuation of HIV treatment. As we know, this can jeopardize the health of people living with HIV,?increase drug resistance, and increase transmissions. The article identifies some of the most common reasons for discontinuation. What caught my eye is that inflexible service offerings, long wait times, and mental health challenges are high on the list. Discontinuation is indicative of gaps in the health system to adequately meet clients’ needs for flexibility and efficiency, and for person-centered, integrated, stigma-free care. https://lnkd.in/dZmVftYr

    Why people stop taking their HIV treatment and what we can do about it

    Why people stop taking their HIV treatment and what we can do about it



