Michelle Landers is the Editor/Publisher for the Journal of Special Operations Medicine; owner of Breakaway Media, LLC
The Journal of Special Operations Medicine (JSOM) Featured Abstract Traumatic Hyphema with Commotio Retinae in a Special Operations Environment Bird S, Hack K, Kircher JW, Bridwell R 24(4). 105 Winter 2024 Traumatic ocular injuries from both combat- and noncombat-related activity remain a significant burden in active duty Servicemembers and present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to Special Operations medics with limited resources in far forward and remote areas. Blunt ocular injury, whether from sports or battlefield engagement, can result in a variety of eyesight-threatening injuries, including hyphema, commotio retinae, iritis, uveitis, and open globe injury. The management of these conditions often requires teleconsultation with ophthalmology and potential evacuation, which is tailored to the resources available for the Special Operations Forces medic. The authors present a case of sports-related traumatic hyphema complicated by commotio retinae in a Special Operations unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operator, requiring teleconsultation and evacuation to specialty care. The authors additionally provide tailored prehospital strategies for the management of these unique but imperative injuries. Keywords: #yphema; #commotioretinae; #ophthalmology; #SpecialOperationsForces; #SOF; #prolongedcasualtycare; #PCC; #teleconsultation; #strategicevacuation; #STRATEVAC Read More: https://lnkd.in/eD9_9kpn