Journafy: Narrative Medicine转发了
Op??The year end brings just one more “bang”! ?? The results of the facilitators and barriers of the implementation of our digital #ICU Diary in 4 hospitals in the Netherlands are in! This study is a major milestone in understanding how #narrativemedicine can be made practical, useful and valuable in a clinical setting. This study identified key determinants promoting the implementation and utilization of #digitaldiaries in ICUs among professionals. These findings lay a foundation for developing strategies to address challenges and enhance the successful implementation of digital diaries in ICU settings. The most commonly agreed-upon determinants promoting implementation ?? seamless accessibility (n?=?200; 93.5?%) ??enthusiastic and motivating champions (n?=?190; 88.8?%) ?? comprehensive information and education (n?=?184; 86?%) ?? Implications for practical use: To maximize the impact of digital diaries, it is essential to involve end users early and tailor the design for ease of use. Selecting influential champions is key, and they should receive training to lead and mentor others. Clear communication of the benefits for patients and families will foster professionals’ understanding and motivation, ultimately enhancing patient care. Thanks Margo van Mol , Carola Schol , Erwin Ista and all other nurses and researchers as well as our team at Journafy: Narrative Medicine for making this happen. Onwards we go next year at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and Marquette University where Krista Knudson, PhD, MSCR, RN and Leanne Boehm PhD RN ACNS-BC will further the knowledge of ICU Diary implementation within the scope of the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s #ABCDEF ICU Liberation Bundle as part of Family Engagement.
Happy new article! ?? Ons tweede artikel over de implementatie van een digitaal IC-dagboek is gepubliceerd in Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. In dit onderzoek hebben we in kaart gebracht: ?? Welke factoren IC-professionals belangrijk vinden bij de implementatie van een digitaal dagboek. ?? Hoe informatie en scholing het meest effectief verspreid en gedeeld kunnen worden. Met veel dank aan co-auteurs: Erwin Ista, Margo van Mol, Martin Rinket, Elke Berger, MSc, Diederik Gommers En natuurlijk alle participanten en iedereen van de deelnemende ICUs die dit onderzoek mogelijk hebben gemaakt #Franciscus, #MST #ErasmusMC #ETZ ?? ZonMw: Verpleging & Verzorging Post-IC, het dagboek voor morgen