The first public offering of a new business is more of a starting point than a finished product. It just allows you to open your doors and put something into the world, but the real work, learning and feedback cycles begin from there. So it has been with Framework.
From the beginning I knew many different types of workouts and movement paired perfectly with hot and cold exposure, and the size our Launch Location studio lent itself to pairing many different styles of these workouts. From that, our?latest offering, Framework Fitness, was born: These new guided classes combine mobility, power, flexibility, breathwork and more with our signature sauna and cold plunge sessions, providing a broad health and fitness experience. All at the same price or membership credit, and bookable as usual. As we prepare to move into our Flagship location, we’ll be testing new class types and expanding our schedule to include more Framework Fitness offerings.
Testing new offerings, like Framework Fitness, is crucial for any business looking to fully understand their offering and define the boundaries of what customers do and do not way. I first saw this in action during my time at Uber. One example was our 2012 introduction of Taxis onto the Uber system (nostalgic blog header here: Chicago. Prior to that (this was before UberX) Uber was exclusively black cars and a high end service. However, taxi app competition was heating up and we wanted to learn ourselves if that was a market segment that (a) had consumer demand and (b) could be delivered with reliability and quality. We did not want to learn that lesson by watching a competitor be successful with it. It was better for us to fail ourselves than hope someone else did. Ultimately the test proved (a) to be true and (b) to be false and we discontinued the product. This test -- Uber's first low-cost offering anywhere in the world -- served as a critical decision making input to Uber's introduction of UberX the following year, which is of course now it's global flagship offering.
The lesson of course is to never think of your business as a finished product, even if you find early success. Everything is dynamic -- consumer knowledge, tastes and preferences, competition, technology. At Framework, we’re committed to exploring new ways to enhance our members’ health and wellness journeys, and we’re excited to see how Framework Fitness will contribute to this goal.
Join us in this journey and try a Framework Fitness class today. And, for instructors/trainers, if you have a cool class idea you’d like to offer at Framework, we’d love to hear from you!