Opening up LinkedIn and seeing my name/face on InEvent ‘s 50 Influential Female Voices in the Events Industry list, amongst some of the most incredibly talented and dynamic women in this industry was a “pinch-me” moment! Thank you for including me, I am honored! If you follow me for event planning content, make sure to follow the others on this list: Janice Cardinale VEMM Joanna Lean Julia O'Grady Debbie Garcia, CMP Wendy Porter Stacy Wyatt Milena Santoro, EMBA CMM CMP PID Liz Caruso Melissa Brannon Michelle Nicole McNabb Karen Hartline, CMP Carrie Freeman Parsons Annette Naif Carina Bauer Dahlia El Gazzar ?? Liz Lathan, CMP Huong N. Mahoganey Jones, CMP, DES, HMCC Christy Lamagna, CMP, CMM, CTSM Helen Moon Keneisha Williams Jeannie Power, CMP & Jean Glynn! #eventprofs #womenshistorymonth #womeninevents