Great message that applies to achieving success in all aspects of life. 'Make it Fun'
I asked the Fittest Man in the World for training advice. His answer was not what I expected. I had the pleasure of hanging out with James Sprague at the JOCKO FUEL booth a few weeks ago at the Arnold. He's a world-champion athlete. He's a world-class fitness coach. I thought he'd have something to say about intensity, consistency, optimal schedule & programming, equipment, conditions, working harder, etc. Nope. ?? "Make it fun." He said. You go further, faster, and longer when it's fun. You're more creative when it's fun. You stick with it when it's fun. It's true of fitness. It's also true of business. I've received the same advice from my own world-class coach, Bobby Doyle ?? "Make it fun." He said. Greg McKeown has a whole chapter dedicated to "play" in his brilliant book, Essentialism. "We mistakenly think of play as a waste of time. The irony is that play leads to brain plasticity, adaptability, and creativity" If you're stuck in your training. If you're stuck in your business. You might not need to work harder. ?? Make it fun. World-class athletes and executives often have another thing in common: They have coaches. If you're stuck or simply want to become world-class with the opportunities God has given you, let's talk. I'm a coach for world-class men. Their bodies & businesses. That's what I do. And it's fun. Blessings, - Coach Cody ??????