We hope to see you at #Confab25 in San Francisco on April 10! If you haven't purchased your ticket, registration is still open! https://lnkd.in/gjfY96sh
?? Calling all scientists, developers, and other staff at DOE Basic Energy Sciences and Nuclear Physics program light sources and high-performance computing facilities: Are you interested in connecting terabit data streams from DAQs in real time to #HPC and storage resources? Then don't miss Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) and Jefferson Lab's EJFAT User Meeting at #Confab25 in San Francisco on April 10*! ? EJFAT uses traffic-shaping and load-balancing Field Programmable Gate Arrays (#FPGAs)that are designed to allow data from multiple types of scientific instruments to be streamed and processed in real time by one (or more) HPC facilities. In this daylong gathering, EJFAT project leads Yatish Kumar and Ilya Baldin will give current and prospective users everything they need to know about how EJFAT works, where it can be tested, and what exciting new features are in the pipeline. Learn more and register: https://lnkd.in/gjfY96sh *The EJFAT user meeting is part of ESnet's #Confab25, but is available as a standalone registration. ?? Please help us spread the word? ?? Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Advanced Light Source Advanced Photon Source (APS) Argonne National Laboratory Advanced Photon Source Brookhaven National Laboratory Fermilab Molecular Foundry National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Computing at ORNL National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II)