Charis has been awarded our 7th Housing Innovation Award! As part of its Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) program, the U.S. Department of Energy recognizes leading builders who are delivering better homes to Americans across the country. The DOE Housing Innovation Awards are made to those builders who are spurring the housing industry to construct more efficient, healthy, and resilient homes certified to the DOE ZERH program requirements. The DOE ZERH program represents the federal government’s most stringent above-code voluntary program for high-performance homes.
Housing Innovation Award winners are selected by a panel of industry professionals. Projects are judged on various criteria that reflect DOE decarbonization goals with respect to energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, resiliency, and workforce development. These criteria include maximizing cost-effective strategies and processes to achieve high performance outcomes, innovative use of cutting-edge technologies, implementation of carbon reduction strategies, and driving market transformation. Award-winning homes are featured in the Tour of Zero on the Zero Energy Ready Home website. The tour allows visitors to virtually walk through and examine national award-winning projects in all U.S. climate regions.