One of our recent favorites!
The Wang Pavilion Columbia University Supporting Student Events. “A world-class performance space for musical, dance, and artist performances, and arts-related programming and activities. It includes a state-of-the-art built-in sound and lighting system and a 300 sq. ft. stage with a permanent piano. There is a separate upstairs lounge, which can be used as a reception space.“ @columbia Architectural design by JLG Architects. #wangpavillion #eventspace #columbia #janusproperty #januspropertycompany #nycrealestate #westharlem #harlemrealestate #nycbuildings #nycofficespace #nycofficespaces #nycworkspaces #manhattanville #innovationtriangle #realestateexperts #realestateexpert #realestatedeveloper #realestatedevelopers #taysteelabbuilding #minkbuilding #malthouse #commercialrealestate #residentialrealestate #iloveny #westharlemrealestate #nycbuilds #nycarchitecture #buildingnyc #realestateinvestor #bestofthebest