Jabberwocky Labs

Jabberwocky Labs


St Louis,MO 18 位关注者

The insanely fast data stack for the AI future.


Jabberwocky is a beautifully simple database platform powered by radical efficiency. It is over 150x faster than any other general purpose database we're aware of, and even wallops the per-server speeds of specialized databases, like GridDB's IoT database, by many multiples with zero special tooling. Exceptional performance (on our Nearby Social Network dataset test): - Stream wrote 7.66M data items per second - Complex query on a 1.5B item dataset returned in single-digit milliseconds - Social Media post reads for a character that doesn't exist at 15M per second - All on a middle-of-the-road 16 core 256 GB cloud-hosted server

2-10 人
St Louis,MO


Jabberwocky Labs员工


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    18 位关注者

    Quote of the Week, a classic by Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain). Full quote: “No, Sir, not a day’s work in all my life. What I have done I have done, because it has been play. If it had been work I shouldn’t have done it."

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    18 位关注者

    Quote of the week. This time a classic from Irish playwright and polemicist George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950). The full quote reads as follows: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.?Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." ___________________________________ Note: George Bernard Shaw, winner of the the Nobel Prize for Literature, leaned into unreasonableness, but also frequently changed his mind. He can best be thought of as a living example of the aphorism "strong opinions, weakly held".

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    18 位关注者

    This quote of the week is an absolute classic by science fiction novelist and futurist Arthur C. Clarke. And for those of us who are product-building, this is probably the greatest litmus test there is: "Does my product feel magical?"

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    18 位关注者

    Universal truths always seem timeless. Perhaps that's why this Quote of the Week is often frequently misattributed to none other than Leonardo da Vinci. However, while it was not initially coined by anyone particularly famous, it entered the minds of many due to an Apple Computers ad for the Apple II in 1977. The quote investigator article is worth reading: https://lnkd.in/gi4GURQk Jabberwocky: Delivering data stack simplicity since 2024.

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    18 位关注者

    Most people aren't aware, but data architecture isn't nearly as straightforward as most would like to believe. Here's a slightly dated Andreessen Horowitz article about the Modern Data Infrastructure stack: https://lnkd.in/gicuF_WN It's a massive $50B a year domestic kludge job. So, if it's a kludge, why is it the way it is? Fortunately, the answer to that is much more simple. The answer is that today's magical user experiences need speed across multiple domains. Modern apps need fast writes to record data and iterate quickly over data science workflows, fast reads for analytics, fast relationship traversal for social data and network analytics, and fast KNN and Dot Product vector array math to power recommendation engines and RAG for LLMs. But what if there were a better way? What if there was a single data architecture paradigm that was faster at writes, reads, relationship traversal, and vector workflows than even use-case specific databases? Follow Jabberwocky Labs to stay tuned.

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