It was a privilege to be installed as Aldgate Ward Club President this March with guest of honour Alderwoman and Patron Dame Susan Langley DBE. It is an exhilarating feeling and it was an atmosphere of excitement with nearly 50 members and guests in attendance. During my year I will be continuing to promote Aldgate Ward Club as the best Ward Club in the City and hopefully overtake Broad Street in numbers. It is an honour to be one of only four (as far as I can see dating back to 1907) female Presidents of the Ward Club and especially happy my year coincides in a particularly special way for the Ward Club and me as our Patron Dame Susan Langley becomes the third Lord (Lady) Mayor in November subject to election. I would like to congratulate the incoming committee members and thank the tireless committee, my advisors and our dynamic and youthful membership for all your support, encouragement and joy over the past 6 years and the year ahead. With special thanks to our Corporate Sponsor Medical Prime (UK)! Thank you Tina Lambert for the piccies Next event drinks 3 April City Livery Club £10 Join us 30 April for a fantastic talk by Jeffrey Blum FICS FCIArb about A Maritime Legacy: The History of Shipping in Aldgate Ward at St Ethelburga's 6.30-9pm drinks & supper £20 #wardclub