Authors and their books at #ETS24! We’re grateful for their deep biblical and theological research that enriches IVP Academic!
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Authors and their books at #ETS24! We’re grateful for their deep biblical and theological research that enriches IVP Academic!
?3 NEW Noteworthy Books from IVP Academic? ft. academic editor, Rebecca Carhart ??Hear Ye the Word of the Lord: What We Miss If We Only Read the Bible ??Faithful Politics: Ten Approaches to Christian Citizenship and Why It Matters ??Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions (3rd edition) Get your copies from IVP Academic here:
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?3 Noteworthy Books from IVP Academic? ft. editorial assistant, Alberto Bonilla-Giovanetti ??Iglesia mestiza: Cinco siglos de justicia social, teología e identidad latina ??The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea: Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology ??Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity Get your copies from IVP Academic here:
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We’re looking for Christian parents/caregivers of children under 18 to participate in a focus group. Sign up and learn more about the study at the QR code or at
?3 NEW Noteworthy Books from IVP Academic? ft. senior sales manager and professional book nerd Alex Blount! ??Markus Barth: His Life and Legacy ??The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul: Retrospect and Prospect ??Walking the Theological Life: Discovering Method for Theology in the Lives of Biblical Characters Get your copies from IVP Academic here:
?3 NEW Noteworthy Books from IVP Academic? ft. academic editor, Zach Gordon! ??On Classical Trinitarianism: Retrieving the Nicene Doctrine of the Triune God ??Why I Am Catholic ??The Artistic Sphere: The Arts in Neo-Calvinist Perspective Get your copies from IVP Academic here:
?3 NEW Noteworthy Books from IVP Academic? ft. the newest edition to the IVP Academic team, Noel Forlini Burt! ??Improvising Church: Scripture as the Source of Harmony, Rhythm, and Soul ??Wonders From Your Law: Nexus Passages and the Promise of an Exegetical Intertextual Old Testament Theology ??To Gaze Upon God: The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice Get your copies from IVP Academic here: