Update: ISoP is focused on providing maximum value to all members of its global community. As we move forward, we are evaluating our programs and offerings using member feedback and data to make informed decisions for the Society. As part of this process, ISoP has decided to discontinue the alliance with JPKPD. We extend our deepest gratitude to JPKPD for their invaluable contributions and collaboration over the years, which have significantly enriched the field of pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology. This decision reflects ISoP’s ongoing efforts to adapt and align with the evolving needs of our members, ensuring the continued growth and innovation of our Society. We remain committed to fostering excellence and progress in our shared scientific community, and we wish JPKPD continued success in their endeavors. As ISoP looks to the future, we are excited about new opportunities to support our members and expand the impact of our collective work on a global scale. Together, we will continue to shape the future of pharmacometrics and beyond. #Isop #pharmacometrics #JPKPD
Update on the Strategic Alliance Between ISoP and JPKPD: In 2012, a strategic alliance was formed between the Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (JPKPD) and the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) making JPKPD “an official journal of ISoP”.?Since then, JPKPD published abstracts from early ACoP meetings, published society news, updates from working groups, themed issues around the recent advances in pharmacometrics, and commentaries from thought leaders.?Today, we wish to announce the dissolution of that alliance.?Effective immediately, JPKPD will no longer be associated with the society. The decision comes as ISoP reevaluates their long-term goals and priorities as a society and how to best provide value to its members. Those members who receive JPKPD as a member benefit from ISoP will need to transition to a subscription to continue access to the journal.? We wish ISoP the best as they move forward as a society. #ISoP #JPKPD