Our Reno team had a great time at Construction Career Day in Northern Nevada!?As schools increasingly highlight the importance of trades, we’re proud to showcase the wide range of careers available in the electrical industry. #CCD2024 Thanks to Venus Raprager and Jim Paulk for setting up at this wonderful event!
The AGC's Construction Career Day 2024 was another success this year. 1600 students from Washoe County came through to see all that the construction field has to offer. There were a ton of students who stopped by the booth. It could have been the snacks, but the romantic in me believes it was all we had on display this year! Our General Foreman with IME, Jim Paulk, helped out as my field expert this year. We had a Jacob's Ladder and BIM model on display, and interactive displays for cutting strut with a cool tool and wiring a fused disconnect. The students asked some really great questions and showed enthusiasm for a career in the electrical industry. Together all of us with #CCD2024 have inspired some really fulfilling future careers in the community!