Amazing work from Sally St. John, MA, NBC-HWC and Open Source Wellness demonstrating that engaging in communities creates better health!! This is common-sense, but sometimes we need reminding. And creating communities of care is an effort that the world needs now.
Just Published! Research Findings Document Positive Impact of Community As Medicine (CAM) We’re thrilled to announce that our latest research findings on the impact of our Community As Medicine (CAM) group health coaching program have been published in an article in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (AJLM): The article – Community As Medicine: A Novel Approach to Improve Health Behaviors and Mental Well-Being for Vulnerable Populations – presents the findings of an evaluation of Open Source Wellness’ (OSW's) direct service program in Alameda County, CA, a partnership with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Recipe4Health, a food as medicine initiative of Alameda County Health. OSW's Community As Medicine (CAM) group health coaching program – a community-based, transdiagnostic, trauma-informed, culturally-relevant, experiential model – was found to be associated with statistically significant improvements in health behaviors and mental well-being. The study analyzed pre/post findings in a sample of 720 low-income, diverse CAM participants who experienced a wide range of chronic health issues and associated social determinants of health (SDoH). These individuals participated in weekly 90-120 minute health coaching groups for 3 months. Participants experienced significant reductions in depression, anxiety, and isolation; and significant increases in daily servings of fruits and vegetables and weekly minutes of exercise. Drivers and reinforcers associated with these outcomes include the sense of belonging, meaningful communication, mutual support, and increased self-worth that OSW's CAM groups foster. Read the article: Learn about Open Source Wellness: Authors: Sally Crawford Duplantier Jina Lee, PharmD Elizabeth Markle Benjamin Emmert-Aronson Thank you to our funders including: American Heart Association - Valerie Dao Ardmore Institute of Health - Ron Stout MD MPH & Janet Calhoun Direct Relief INHERENT FOUNDATION - Mali Locke New Profit The California Wellness Foundation - Earl Lui Unlikely Collaborators - Scott Rowe -- #CommunityAsMedicine #LifestyleMedicine #GroupHealthCoaching #HealthCoaching