Who takes PTO time for a long run? This girl!! (Brace yourself…this is new for me!)
I’ve always heard that how you live your personal life carries over to your professional life. Up until now, I felt like that couldn’t possibly be true.??
“Work Mindy” and “non-work Mindy” were very different.??
However, my half marathon journey made me realize that “work Mindy” and “non-work Mindy,” really aren’t that different at all.?
Here’s why:?
A month ago today, I crossed the finish line of the “Run Nash” half marathon that’s held in Nashville, one of my favorite cities.??
It took a lot of discipline to stay on track with training. I told myself this half marathon was a one and done for me because I don’t even love running that much; it’s more of a love/hate relationship.?
Summertime is my very busy conference season where I’m traveling quite a bit for work.??We had the big transition to our new building, new key staff coming on board, and of course the busy schedule of being a mom with kids in summer sports. I also lost the last two surviving grandparents I had, which resulted in several trips back home to Illinois. ??
Juggling all of that on top of maintaining my strict training schedule was becoming very difficult. So crazy in fact, that I started taking PTO time just to squeeze in my long runs, as I mentioned before. ?
However, I had a realization that running was helping me realize my greatest strengths. I’m a creature of habit who follows a strict and organized schedule. I set goals. I always strive for more.??
The lessons I learned hitting the open road were informing my conversations at work, and vice versa. For once, I carved out time for myself (and pulled a muscle in the process, but hey who’s counting).?
After crossing that finish line, and once the exhaustion wore off, I reflected on the goals set, and the celebration we had that night walking the strip.??
I finished. I reflected. I celebrated.??
I remain committed to setting bold goals for Integra First and celebrating each milestone.??
After the race, I found that inner voice that always strives for more telling me I needed to do this again, only much faster next time. (Surprise! Chances are I’ll be doing it again.)?
If you’re still with me, congrats, you made it through my first attempt at being raw and vulnerable.?
I have to thank my husband and family, my friends Bev and Tiffany who did the run with me, and the Integra Team, who cheered me on along the way. I recently hired a Marketing Manager, Erin Noha, who said that my story brings a lot of meaning to our credit union, and that it’s important to share my journey, both personally and professionally, with all of you. We met to discuss her strategic direction – and part of that involved me (much to my surprise).
The fun doesn’t stop here… rumor has it I’m on my way to becoming an Integra First TikTok star!!