Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA)转发了
Outstanding discussion at this morning's LP-only breakfast at PEI's Responsible Investment Forum in NY! Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan NYCERS Oregon State Treasury Sierra Club United Church Funds (and the other 15+ #lps who joined the discussion....) Key take aways: ?? #GPs! If your fund includes #LPs who invested with expectations/requirements around climate data reporting, sustainability efforts, and/or DEI practices --- they fully expect you to continue reporting/continuing efforts/etc. (Understand their expectations haven't changed.) ?? The entire industry is drinking from the fire hose of real-time developments coming out of DC. Coherent, fact-based insights into what these developments mean and how they can/may likely affect markets/funds are incredibly useful to investors at this particular moment. ?? Data compilation and reporting from the private equity firms within institutional investment portfolios remains critical to investors' ability to effectively manage portfolio risk and make decisions about future allocations. (Stated differently: Notwithstanding the current uncertainty, ESG/DEI data collection and reporting are not "nice to have"/"feel good" requests - the data at issue is key to overall value creation/risk mitigation analysis.) (Stated even more differently: Don't believe the political hype. Focus on what your LPs are asking for and believe them when they articulate their priorities.) If you missed the closed-door discussion this morning, definitely join us at the next one. Greatly appreciate our partners in co-hosting these LP breakfasts, Malk Partners! Ryan Werffeli Julia Lamorelle