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Institute for Technology and Society

Institute for Technology and Society


Insitute for Technology and Society


The Institute for Technology and Society is a leading research organization that studies the impact of technology on society, economy, and law.

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  • ?? Institute for Technology and Society (ITS), in collaboration with Platforma CIVIKOS and the Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si, continues its commitment to enhancing the capacities of public institution officials at the central and local levels in the field of personal data protection. ?? Over the course of a two-day training program, participants deepened their knowledge of best practices and standards for data protection, improving information security in their respective institutions. ?? Upon completion of the training, participants received TRECCERT certification, gaining international recognition for their skills and expertise in this vital area. ?? This activity is part of the project "Strengthening Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity Across All Sectors in Kosovo", supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. ?? Through these initiatives, we are building a more secure and privacy-conscious environment in Kosovo! #ITSKosovo #DataProtection #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters #TRECCERT **** Shqip ?? Institute for Technology and Society, n? bashk?punim me Platforma CIVIKOS dhe Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si, po vazhdon angazhimin p?r forcimin e kapaciteteve t? zyrtar?ve t? institucioneve publike n? nivel qendror dhe lokal n? fush?n e mbrojtjes s? t? dh?nave personale. ?? Gjat? nj? programi dy-ditor trajnimi, pjes?marr?sit pat?n mund?sin? t? zhvillojn? njohurit? e tyre mbi standardet dhe praktikat m? t? mira p?r mbrojtjen e t? dh?nave, duke p?rmir?suar k?shtu sigurin? e informacionit n? institucionet ku ata veprojn?. ?? N? p?rfundim t? trajnimit, pjes?marr?sit u certifikuan nga TRECCERT, duke p?rfituar njohje nd?rkomb?tare p?r aft?sit? dhe ekspertiz?n e tyre n? k?t? fush? t? r?nd?sishme. ?? Ky aktivitet ?sht? pjes? e projektit "Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjith? sektor?t n? Kosov?", i mb?shtetur nga Ambasada e Holand?s n? Kosov? – Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. ?? Me k?to iniciativa, po kontribuojm? n? nd?rtimin e nj? mjedisi m? t? sigurt dhe t? nd?rgjegj?suar p?r r?nd?sin? e privat?sis? dhe mbrojtjes s? t? dh?nave n? Kosov?! #ITSKosovo #DataProtection #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters #TRECCERT

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  • ?? Informohuni me aktin e brendsh?m p?r masat teknike dhe organizative p?r mbrojtje t? t? dh?nave personale t? publikuar nga Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si. Siguria e t? dh?nave ?sht? detyr? e p?rbashk?t! Ky postim informues ?sht? realizuar nga Platforma CIVIKOS n? bashk?punim me Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si / Agencija za Informacije i Privatnost dhe Institute for Technology and Society n? kuad?r t? projektit “Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjitha Sektor?t n? Kosov?“ mb?shtetur nga Ambasada e Holand?s n? Kosov? - Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. --- (Srpski) ?? Informi?ite se preko internog akta o tehni?kim i organizacionim merama za?tite li?nih podataka koje je objavila Agencija za informacije i privatnost. Sigurnost podataka je zajedni?ka odgovornost! Ovu informativnu objavu pripremila je Platforma CiviKos u saradnji sa Agencijom za informacije i privatnost i Institutom za tehnologiju i dru?tvo u okviru projekta ?Ja?anje za?tite li?nih podataka i sajber bezbednosti u svim sektorima na Kosovu” uz podr?ku Ambasade Nizozemske na Kosovu. --- (English) ?? Get acquainted with the internal act on technical and organizational measures for personal data protection published by the Information and Privacy Agency. Data security is a joint responsibility! This informative post is prepared by the #CiviKos Platform in cooperation with the Agency for Information and Privacy and the Institute for Technology and Society as part of the "Efforts and Protection of Personal Data and Cyber Security in all Sectors in Kosovo" project supported by the Embassy of the #Netherlands in Kosovo. #dataprotection #ITS #AIP #Civikos

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  • Institute for Technology and Society转发了

    ?? Celebrating International Data Protection Week with ITS ??? This week, as the world comes together to recognize the critical importance of privacy and data protection, we at the Institute for Technology and Society (ITS) reaffirm our commitment to empowering institutions, organizations, and citizens in Kosovo to safeguard their digital rights. Our efforts in data protection reflect the theme of collective action—uniting stakeholders and fostering a shared responsibility for privacy through three key pillars: 1?? Training and Capacity Building We have trained professionals across public institutions, private companies, and civil society organizations to tackle the challenges of protecting personal data. These training programs empower individuals to take proactive roles in building secure and compliant systems. 2?? Awareness and Advocacy Recognizing the importance of informed communities, we’ve partnered with the Information and Privacy Agency for impactful campaigns that raise public awareness about digital rights and the importance of protecting personal data. Through webinars, podcasts, and other outreach activities, we’ve sparked important conversations about privacy and its role in a sustainable digital future. 3?? Research and Insights Our studies highlight the pressing issues and opportunities in Kosovo’s data protection landscape: ?? "Legal Landscape of Digital Rights in Kosovo" – a comprehensive analysis of privacy and digital rights regulations. ?? "Challenges and Regulatory Obligations for Large Data Processors in Kosovo" – a critical look at compliance for key players managing vast amounts of personal data. ? Together, these pillars aim to foster a privacy-first culture, aligning with the global call for stronger safeguards in the digital age. This International Data Protection Week, let’s commit to making privacy a priority for all. ?? Follow us to learn more about our initiatives and join the movement to advance data protection in Kosovo and beyond! #InternationalDataProtectionWeek #PrivacyMatters #DataProtectionTraining #ITSKosovo #DigitalRights

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  • ?? Celebrating International Data Protection Week with ITS ??? This week, as the world comes together to recognize the critical importance of privacy and data protection, we at the Institute for Technology and Society (ITS) reaffirm our commitment to empowering institutions, organizations, and citizens in Kosovo to safeguard their digital rights. Our efforts in data protection reflect the theme of collective action—uniting stakeholders and fostering a shared responsibility for privacy through three key pillars: 1?? Training and Capacity Building We have trained professionals across public institutions, private companies, and civil society organizations to tackle the challenges of protecting personal data. These training programs empower individuals to take proactive roles in building secure and compliant systems. 2?? Awareness and Advocacy Recognizing the importance of informed communities, we’ve partnered with the Information and Privacy Agency for impactful campaigns that raise public awareness about digital rights and the importance of protecting personal data. Through webinars, podcasts, and other outreach activities, we’ve sparked important conversations about privacy and its role in a sustainable digital future. 3?? Research and Insights Our studies highlight the pressing issues and opportunities in Kosovo’s data protection landscape: ?? "Legal Landscape of Digital Rights in Kosovo" – a comprehensive analysis of privacy and digital rights regulations. ?? "Challenges and Regulatory Obligations for Large Data Processors in Kosovo" – a critical look at compliance for key players managing vast amounts of personal data. ? Together, these pillars aim to foster a privacy-first culture, aligning with the global call for stronger safeguards in the digital age. This International Data Protection Week, let’s commit to making privacy a priority for all. ?? Follow us to learn more about our initiatives and join the movement to advance data protection in Kosovo and beyond! #InternationalDataProtectionWeek #PrivacyMatters #DataProtectionTraining #ITSKosovo #DigitalRights

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  • T? dh?nat tuaja personale nuk mund t? p?rdoren p?r marketing pa p?lqimin tuaj. Lexoni infografiken p?r t? m?suar se si ju keni t? drejt?n t? refuzoni dhe t? ankoheni n?se keqp?rdoren. ?? ?? ?? Ky postim informues ?sht? realizuar nga Platforma CIVIKOS n? bashk?punim me Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si dhe Institute for Technology and Society n? kuad?r t? projektit “Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjitha Sektor?t n? Kosov?“ mb?shtetur nga Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. *** Your personal data cannot be used for marketing without your consent. Read the infographic to learn how you have the right to refuse and file a complaint if your data is misused. ?? ?? ?? This informative post is created by the CIVIKOS Platform in cooperation with the Information and Privacy Agency and the Institute for Technology and Society, as part of the project “Empowering the Protection of Personal Data and Cybersecurity in All Sectors in Kosovo,” supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo.

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  • Nd?rsa hyjm? n? vitin e ri, reflektojm? mbi rrug?timin ton? t? jasht?zakonsh?m gjat? vitit 2024. S? bashku, kemi eksploruar mund?si t? reja dhe kemi kontribuar p?r avancimin e t? drejtave dixhitale, privat?sis? dhe p?rdorimit t? p?rgjegjsh?m t? teknologjis? n? Kosov?. P?r vitin q? vjen, mezi presim t? vazhdojm? p?rpjekjet p?r t? krijuar nj? t? ardhme ku teknologjia e fuqizon komunitetin dhe forcon demokracin?. Faleminderit t? gjith?ve q? ishin pran? nesh – partner?ve, mb?shtet?sve dhe miqve tan?. *** As we step into the new year, we reflect on our extraordinary journey throughout 2024. Together, we have explored new opportunities and contributed to the advancement of digital rights, privacy, and the responsible use of technology in Kosovo. Looking ahead to the coming year, we are excited to continue our efforts to create a future where technology empowers communities and strengthens democracy. Thank you to everyone who has stood by us—our partners, supporters, and friends.

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  • Lexoni infografik?n p?r t? m?suar m? shum? mbi sistemin e v?zhgimit me kamer? #CCTV. Ky postim informues ?sht? realizuar nga Platforma CIVIKOS n? bashk?punim me ITS dhe Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si si pjes? e projektit "Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjith? Sektor?t n? Kosov?", i mb?shtetur nga Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo.???? ** Read the infographic to learn more about the CCTV surveillance system. This informative post has been created by Platforma CIVIKOS in collaboration with ITS and Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si as part of the project "Empowering Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity across Sectors in Kosovo," supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. ????

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  • Instituti p?r Teknologji dhe Shoq?ri n? bashk?punim me Platforma CIVIKOS dhe Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si kan? filluar serin? e trajnimeve p?r zyrtar?t publik? ne fush?n e Mbrotjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale. Pjes?marr?sit do t? ken? mund?sin? t? marrin certifikim nd?rkomb?tar nga TRECCERT, duke p?rforcuar k?shtu kapacitetet p?r mbrojtjen e t? dh?nave n? nivel instuticional. Ky aktivitet ?sht? pjes? e projektit "Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjith? Sektor?t n? Kosov?", i mb?shtetur nga Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. *** The Institute for Technology and Society, in collaboration with the Platforma CIVIKOS and Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si has launched a series of training sessions for public officials in the field of Personal Data Protection. Participants will have the opportunity to receive international certification from TRECCERT, thereby strengthening institutional capacities for data protection. This activity is part of the project "Empowering Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity Across Sectors in Kosovo," supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo #DataSecurity #Privacy

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  • Me 10 Dhjetor, ITS n? bashk?punim me Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si organizuan konferenc?n vjetore mbi "T? Drejtat e Njeriut n? Epok?n e Inteligjenc?s Artificiale". Konferenca mblodhi ekspert/e t? fush?s, p?rfaq?sues/e instuticional dhe aktivist/e p?r t? trajtoi ndikimin e AI mbi t? drejtat e njeriut n? Kosov?. Shikoni videon p?rmbledh?se me momentet ky?e t? k?saj ngjarje t? r?nd?sishme. Kjo ngjarje u realizua nga ITS, si pjes? e projektit #humanRightivism, implementuar nga Community Development Fund - CDF me mb?shtetje t? Embassy of Sweden in Pristina. *** On December 10th, ITS, in collaboration with Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si organized the annual conference on "Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence." The conference brought together experts in the field, institutional representatives, and activists to address the impact of AI on human rights in Kosovo. Watch the summary video with key moments from this important event. This event was realized by ITS, as part of the #humanRightivism project, implemented by the Community Development Fund - CDF with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Pristina.

  • M?soni m? shum? mbi transferimin e t? dh?nave nd?rkomb?tare dhe politikat q? duhet t? kemi parasysh kur transferojm? k?to t? dh?na. Ky postim informues ?sht? realizuar nga ITS n? bashk?punim me Platforma CIVIKOS dhe Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si n? kuad?r t? projektit “Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjitha Sektor?t n? Kosov?“ mb?shtetur nga Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. *** Learn more about international data transfers and the policies that need to be considered when transferring this data. This informative post has been created by ITS in collaboration with Platforma CIVIKOS in collaboration with the Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si as part of the project “Empowering Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity in All Sectors in Kosovo,” supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo.

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