?? Institute for Technology and Society (ITS), in collaboration with Platforma CIVIKOS and the Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si, continues its commitment to enhancing the capacities of public institution officials at the central and local levels in the field of personal data protection. ?? Over the course of a two-day training program, participants deepened their knowledge of best practices and standards for data protection, improving information security in their respective institutions. ?? Upon completion of the training, participants received TRECCERT certification, gaining international recognition for their skills and expertise in this vital area. ?? This activity is part of the project "Strengthening Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity Across All Sectors in Kosovo", supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. ?? Through these initiatives, we are building a more secure and privacy-conscious environment in Kosovo! #ITSKosovo #DataProtection #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters #TRECCERT **** Shqip ?? Institute for Technology and Society, n? bashk?punim me Platforma CIVIKOS dhe Information and Privacy Agency/Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si, po vazhdon angazhimin p?r forcimin e kapaciteteve t? zyrtar?ve t? institucioneve publike n? nivel qendror dhe lokal n? fush?n e mbrojtjes s? t? dh?nave personale. ?? Gjat? nj? programi dy-ditor trajnimi, pjes?marr?sit pat?n mund?sin? t? zhvillojn? njohurit? e tyre mbi standardet dhe praktikat m? t? mira p?r mbrojtjen e t? dh?nave, duke p?rmir?suar k?shtu sigurin? e informacionit n? institucionet ku ata veprojn?. ?? N? p?rfundim t? trajnimit, pjes?marr?sit u certifikuan nga TRECCERT, duke p?rfituar njohje nd?rkomb?tare p?r aft?sit? dhe ekspertiz?n e tyre n? k?t? fush? t? r?nd?sishme. ?? Ky aktivitet ?sht? pjes? e projektit "Fuqizimi i Mbrojtjes s? t? Dh?nave Personale dhe Siguris? Kibernetike n? t? gjith? sektor?t n? Kosov?", i mb?shtetur nga Ambasada e Holand?s n? Kosov? – Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo. ?? Me k?to iniciativa, po kontribuojm? n? nd?rtimin e nj? mjedisi m? t? sigurt dhe t? nd?rgjegj?suar p?r r?nd?sin? e privat?sis? dhe mbrojtjes s? t? dh?nave n? Kosov?! #ITSKosovo #DataProtection #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters #TRECCERT