INSITE is heading back to the AMI Polymers in Footwear event this summer! We’re excited to return to this event to hear our Director of Research Justin Ter Har's presentation on the future of sustainable PUs in footwear. Don’t miss it! ??
??Sponsor/Speaker highlight?? INSITE is returning to the AMI Polymers in Footwear event as a sponsor/speaker for the second time in a row! "Last year was an incredible opportunity to share our passion for the frontiers of sustainable PU foams. This year we're excited to present the progress that's been made since then on maximum bio-content PU, and how we hope it reframes the industry's assumptions about sustainability and performance." Justin Ter Har will be joining a distinguished line-up of speakers heading to Portland in just a few short months! Don't miss out on mixing with top professionals and organizations within the Footwear industry ?? Register today: Event sponsored by: INSITE Insoles #AMIFootwearUSA #AMIFootwear #footweartech #sustainability #circulareconomy #footwear #polymers #event #AMIevent #materials #polymersinfootwear Cristina Fernandez Martin, Sophie Homer, Eva Haak