10 years in business today at Innovo. I’ve been thinking all morning about what to say.. What do you say to the much younger you who made music, signed to a “label,” tried to sue the label, and felt lost/trapped? The younger you who didn’t know what was going to happen, but took a leap of faith. The younger you who dropped out of college 3 times to build a business, sacrificing health & financial well being to do so. All with the hopes of putting art & artists first. In 10 years of business we have worked on marketing campaigns for over 1,000 artists & 2,000 songs. In these 10 years we’ve had 29 employees, 14 interns, and 8 office spaces across 2 cities. Many of those amazing people have gone on to lead marketing teams at labels, work at streaming platforms, distributors, agencies, and even start their own companies. What started as two naive kids just trying to find a way to help artists, became our lives now for a decade.. To the young kids out there feeling trapped by a system that’s made to do so: You can do anything you put your mind to. Hard work + innovation beats out any nepotism, money, or riding a wave. Here’s to 10 more ??