I know this is probably not the regular cute baby, colorful toy content you were expecting. But in addition to all the fun of making baby toys and books, we also are a small business. Which means we have to also do the not so fun things like worry about taxes, insurance and this week most importantly the Longshoremen Strike. We have a container on the water of our Jaffy the Giraffe rattles to make sure we are covered for the holidays at Target. And if the container didn't arrive, then well I think you can guess... According to our Customs Broker, even 1 day of the strike could cause a week delay in container delivery and thousands of dollars in fees... YIKES. Now I am a Libra, therefore I appreciate justice, fairness, balance and mediation. I see both sides and 100% know that our baby toys are a very tiny drop in the ocean of importance. But I can't help to think that the universe granted me an early birthday present with the resolution. So I wanted to make a shout out to everyone involved in the negotiations and settlement. You made our week, saved our small business and holiday season. thank you, aim