Hello network! I have some super exciting news - INIT FIU Executive Board Applications are open! I joined INIT FIU as a freshmen and I can't explain how much of an impact it's had on me. Thanks to the amazing people I met and help they were willing to give me, my life has most definitely changed. Not only in terms of the opportunities I was able to take advantage of, but the impact I've been able to have - which has been incredibly fulfilling. If you're interested in being part of the largest technical student organization at Florida International University, running the largest collegiate diversity hackathon in the United States with #ShellHacks, and trying to change the technology space one student at a time - apply at this link: :) Also, if you have any questions about the roles or the responsibilities of being part of the INIT FIU eboard, don't hesitate to reach out! Always happy to chat INIT INIT FIU INIT MDC Kendall INIT MDC Wolfson INIT MDC North INIT UM INIT UW Florida International University - College of Engineering & Computing Luis Ahumada Gretchen Sauerman Cesar Villa-Garcia Yasmine Abdrabo Jose Maldonado Christopher Rodriguez #internships #technology #cscareers #init #initfiu