Nothing like being surrounded by a room of incredibly intelligent, powerful and, thoughtful women leaders. What a wonderful experience being a part of the Bluebird Leaders S.O.A.R. Conference last week. Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this experience!
This event is focused on empowering women in IT and healthcare IT, aiming to provide leadership development, mentorship, and networking opportunities for aspiring women leaders. The conference, in partnership with "This Week Health" and Bluebird Leaders, has become a prominent platform for women to advance in technology and healthcare leadership. Attendees will participate in dynamic sessions, workshops, and keynotes delivered by influential women leaders in these fields.
The S.O.A.R. Conference is designed to foster a supportive community where women can connect, collaborate, and gain actionable strategies to achieve their professional goals, emphasizing the importance of diversity, innovation, and leadership in healthcare IT. Organizations also have the opportunity to sponsor the event, promoting their commitment to supporting women's advancement in these industries.
Women Leaders Rock!!!
Rebecca Woods, MHA, SHIMSS, PM Dawn Whitney, Sarah Richardson,Mike Mosquito, CHCIO, MBA, PMP, CDH-E,Jenice Larmond, RN, BSN, MBA, CDH-E,Laura Prietula, Amy Oliver, Melissa Giampietri, MBA-HCM, Paula Carneiro, Marissa M., Michelle Flemmings, MD, Shannon Becker BS, MS, ACHE, Erin Osbourn, MSc, CHCIO, CDH-E, PMP, Renee Fosberg, Sheree Mcfarland, Natosha McNeal, MS, Gretchen E. Tegethoff, Casey Burke Bunn,Hannah Crawford, Suzi Connor, India Lockett MSN, BSN, RN, Karen Duffard., Tiffany Crenshaw, Jessica Carl, MHA, PMP Shelli-Ann McKenzie, MS, RN, PMP, CPHIMS Lauren Friedrich, MBA, Dr. Jasmine T. Agnew DHPE, MHIIM, RHIA, CPHIMS, CSBI, eFACHDM Jeffery Daigrepont and many more!!!