Lithium mining can have devastating effects on land and its inhabitants. In South America, Indigenous communities like Salinas Grandes are facing the consequences of over-mining. Indian Law Resource Center will continue its work with Indigenous communities to hold governments to their agreements and provide free, prior, and informed consultation before continuing to work with mining corporations.
Handcrafting change for a greener future ?? Indigenous Rights defender, environmental advocacy and energy transition #mining #biodiversity #climatechange #indigenouspeoples #fpic #ESG #MiningStandards
?? What is happening in Salinas Grandes??? Week after week, we share different events occurring in the Salinas Grandes Basin and Guayatayoc Lagoon. We understand that this can sometimes be overwhelming when trying to convey the main conflict. That is why, together with the Salinas Grandes Basin, we decided to summarize it in this one-minute video.? We would like to thank Mullu TV, Indigenous Clean Energy, Indian Law Resource Center and EARTHWORKS, who in the framework of global solidarity, collaborated with its diffusion, joining the struggle of the indigenous communities to try to promote and preserve the care of the environment, water and native species, such as the Andean flamingos. We know that companies and the government consider lithium a key element for the energy transition towards renewable energies. However, there can be no renewable energy projects if the rights of indigenous peoples and existing natural ecosystems are not respected. We invite you to spread this video to support our fight ?????? ?? ?Qué está pasando en Salinas Grandes??? Semana tras semana, compartimos distintos sucesos que ocurren en la Cuenca de Salinas Grandes y Laguna de Guayatayoc. Entendemos que eso a veces puede resultar abrumador al momento de intentar transmitir el conflicto principal. Por eso, junto a la Cuenca de Salinas Grandes decidimos resumirlo en este video de un minuto.? Queremos agradecerles a Mullu TV,?Indigenous Clean Energy, a Indian Law Resource Center y a EARTHWORKS, quienes en el marco de la solidaridad global, colaboraron con su difusión, sumándose a la lucha de las comunidades indígenas para intentar promover y preservar el cuidado del medio ambiente, el agua y las especies autóctonas, como los flamencos andinos. Sabemos que las empresas y el gobierno consideran al litio un elemento clave para la transición energética hacia energías renovables. Sin embargo, no puede haber proyectos de energía renovables si no se respetan los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y los ecosistemas naturales ya existentes. Te invitamos difundir este video para apoyar nuestra lucha ??????