What is it?
It’s a lot of things.
It’s an element, that’s a nutrient, that works as a bio-stimulant.
Silicon has always been there, but the benefits had not been observed until more recently because it is not bio-available in our soils.
Silicon is only plant available in the form of orthosilic acid, also known as monosolic acid Si(OH)4. This is readily available to the plant, and is taken up typically within hours of coming into contact with roots or shoots.
What does it do?
It does a lot of things, but in short it strenghtens cell walls. This in turn helps with nutrient transport throughout the plant as the vascular system is strengthened, increasing sap pressure, which moves water more efficiently and therefore nutrients with it.
Immobile nutrients such as Calcium and Boron are not impossible to move, they are just more difficult to translocate. Having a strong and reinforced vascular system helps with this.
In a recent study conducted with our monosilicic acid, Dune, on frost damaged citrus we observed both Calcium and Boron stabilization within the plant. Initially there were large differences in concentration of those nutrients in the different parts of the canopy, but after 5 days they started to stabilize. A calcium acetate along with our amino acid product, Lumina, was applied at this point. The calcium levels were observed again 5 days later and were hightened and uniform throughout the plant.
What does this mean?
Dune is helping the plant to move water and nutrients more efficiently, assuring that plant is more uniform throughout in nutrient levels.
The benefit here is that Dune can help the plant to stabilize deficiencies on its own, while better delivering nutrients it is applied with.
In cases where immobile nutrients are applied as a foliar, your coverage is critical.
The sprayer must be calibrated perfectly to cut down on the potential of deficiencies in the case where contact with the plant tissues is not achieved.
Dune can help take the weight off of having to have perfect spray coverage by being the vehicle to more efficiently move water and nutrients once inside the plant.
If you are interested in learning more about our recent study or the benefits that Dune can provide for you, olease reach out.