Impact100 Global 转发了
How do you really celebrate a fifth birthday? You give away $201,000 to local causes to build legacy projects in your community. We were honoured to join our womens giving circle Impact100 Wakatipu to celebrate their fifth birthday last night where they awarded two grants of $100,500 to Southern Lakes Sanctuary Trust and Whakatipu Rowing Club. The Southern Lakes Sanctuary funds will be used to protect the takahe which are planned to be released into the Rees Valley in early 2025, following the success of the release into the Greenstone Valley in 2023. The funds will be used to build a turk (outback hut) and to help with ongoing monitoring and pest eradication work. Whakatipu Rowing Club are replacing their current space (which is really just a large shed) and creating a new community asset on the shores of Lake Hayes. The new building will include community meeting rooms, showers and bathrooms, training facilities and boat storage for the club and other water sports. The vision for this building is that it will become home for those who use the lake, and those who are working hard to restore the water quality of Lake Hayes. Our congratulations to the award recipients, and to all the donors to Impact100. Awarding this years funds bring the total gifted to the community to $897,500 over five years, an incredible achievement. Thanks to Bayleys Property Management for their generous sponsorship, Cargo Brew Hall for the gorgeous new venue, and Michael Thomas for the photos. Amy Wilson-White Paul Kavanagh Fenagh Smith Impact100 Global Kristen Holtzman