Great way to get insight into a products keyword visibility.
Can I get more traffic on a specific keyword?on Amazon? Is this KW maxed out? Use this super cool metric to find out! How can you know if every shopper who searches?a certain keyword sees your product? How can you gauge the impressions a product gets per KW compared to its search volume? Look at the Search Volume to Impressions ratio in Search Query?Performance! Basically, you can see the search volume on a specific keyword and the impressions your Asin is getting. Look at the first keyword?in this graph. The search?volume is 45,166, and the Asin Count Impressions are 23,339. That means 21,827 shoppers who searched this keyword did not even see my product! Now, this is a keyword I would want to pursue more aggressively to increase traffic and organic ranking. (SQP also considers PPC impressions, so you can technically get two impressions per search, which makes the above scenario even worse.) Look at the second keyword: 7,061 searches?and 7,613 Asin Count Impressions! Here, we are getting more than one impression per search. This is not a KW with a ton of opportunity left. This is a super easy way to get a quick idea of how visible a keyword is whether there is more juice to squeeze, and if we should go more aggressive with PPC to get more impressions. Have you ever looked at your Search Volume to Impressions ratio? ______________________ IG PPC is an agency that manages the PPC for 7-9 figure Amazon brands. #amazonfba #amazonadvertising