Great to be in front of educators and parents in AZ!
Playlearn USA is having a great time at #ArizonaIDEA Conference this week!
We have the expertise and partnerships necessary to listen, understand the needs of your school district special education departments, then create a customized curriculum package that empowers your teachers and students to confidently move forward. Once you have the curriculum that works for your schools, you need to ensure your educators understand how to best put it into practice and deliver meaningful educational experiences to your special education students. Our professional development programs provide more than a surface-level coverage of your special education curriculum. They ensure your teachers are prepared for the curriculum’s practical application and to translate what they hear in a workshop to what they can actually use in a classroom. Our consulting and training programs are practical, hands-on sessions that focus on getting the classroom setting right and tailoring materials and teaching approach for students with widely varying needs.
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US,Texas,San Antonio,78218
Great to be in front of educators and parents in AZ!
Playlearn USA is having a great time at #ArizonaIDEA Conference this week!
We love and preach this idea to district leaders and educators!
Good morning! Happy Back to School edition of Matthew’s Corner. This is a place where I write about what I learned as a Special Needs father and as a person who has partnered with schools district to improve the quality of Special Education over the past 25 years. This will be short and sweet. A true parent/school partnership is about true collaboration and commitment to the student. I can’t think of a better way to make it easier to share communication than this! What a great idea! Please share with your teachers and parents. Have a great 2024-25 school year! Best, Matthew’s Dad
We love seeing great Professional Development at conferences!
Love TILL360’s Joe Beckman giving the Keynote at #MAASE4all Summer Institute!
This will be an amazing event for parents and educators! #CalmMamaRevolution #RaisingHighlySensitiveKids
Please let all the parents of students who are Highly Sensitive (Sensory Processing Challenges) know about the upcoming FREE Summit organized by #CalmMamaRevolution #RaisingHighlySensitiveKids
We are SO EXCITED to be speaking at this Virtual Conference!!!
Hello! I am very excited to announce that I will be a Speaker at the Virtual Calm Mama Revolution Conference from July 9-11. It is FREE! The summit will feature topics surrounding Raising Highly Sensitive Kids/Students. Attendees will learn practical strategies to help you manage your child’s big feelings (including sensory challenges) and unlock your parenting confidence to shape your child’s bright future. Playlearn USA
So happy to be at Florida Case!
Welcome to #FloridaCASE! Playlearn USA is bringing the Hawaiian Aloha spirit to the conference! The Interactive Magic Floor is always a hit with ESE Directors!
A great day for IEP Curriculum and Consulting!
Starting off our Region 10 ESC Sensory Best Practices PD sponsored by Playlearn USA Over 60 educators in attendance the first day after school is out for students!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Citizen of the Year 1976, Co-Founder of the Pearland Texans Youth Football team, Founder of the Pearland Area Youth Direction Team for disadvantaged teens, President of the American Business Women’s Association were just some, way too many to mention, of the titles that Hopie Soria Carrillo had. The only two that mattered to her were mother and nana! Moral of the story, what you do that helps society very important, what you do as a mother/grandmother is the ultimate life long gift of unconditional love and is the most important role for humanity. Happy Mothers Day to all of the amazing mothers in this world!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
Welcome to Matthew’s Corner, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! I just wanted to give a big Thank You to ALL of the teachers who are doing such important work for our society. This includes teachers, para professionals, teachers aids, and all of the people who work with our students. I am also giving the gold star special appreciation to all of the teachers who work with special needs students. As a former teacher and as a parent, I know first hand how much it takes to be a special educator. Here are two teachers who made a positive difference in Matthew’s life. Look at how much he lit up when he took pictures with his teachers on graduation day. Teachers and especially para professionals, I know we do not pay you enough for your impact on our children’s lives, yet I hope smiles like Matthew’s helps you understand your value. Until Next Time, Matthew’s Grateful and a bit Sad Dad
Representing Playlearn USA at the ELC Palm Beach County #Empower2024 Conference
If you have a conference on May the fourth be with you day, THIS is how you introduce the Keynote Speaker! Come see Playlearn USA at the ELC Palm Beach County #Empower2024 Conference!