


Connecting the World


The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee develops and maintains networking standards and recommended practices for local, metropolitan, and other area networks.

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Ethernet、wireless networking和Networking standards




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    Advancing Wi-Fi Technologies - The Future of IEEE 802.11 Thursday, March 6, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Robert Stacey Chair of IEEE 802.11 For registration: Agenda This webinar provides an overview of the ongoing work on the IEEE 802.11 standard, the technical standard behind Wi-Fi. We will cover the current and future activities in: - P802.11bn: The foundation for Wi-Fi 8 - P802.11bh & P802.11bi: Enhancing privacy - P802.11bk: Improved positioning - P802.11bf: WLAN sensing innovations - P802.11bp: Ambient power communications - P802.11bq: Integrated mmWave technology - P802.11br: Enhanced light communications Additionally, we will discuss the newly formed Automotive Topic Interest Group and its implications for Wi-Fi in vehicles.

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    IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board Seminar: Standards Development Opportunities & Leadership Experiences (Feb 20th, Tokyo and Online) IEEE Computer Society’s Strategic Activities and Products including SWEBOK Guide Hironori Washizaki (IEEE Computer Society President, Waseda University) Introduction of IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Edward Au (IEEE Computer Society Vice President for Standards Activities) Introduction of how to get involved in IEEE Standards Association and its standards development process Lei Wang (IEEE Standards Association Standards Board Chair) Introduction of IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) and how involvement in standards development shapes career Dorothy Stanley (IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair, IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors) For registration:

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    IEEE 802.3 ETHERNET Working Group January Interim Meeting Summary IEEE P802.3da 10 Mb/s Single Pair Multidrop Segments Enhancement Task Force --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IEEE P802.3da Task Force resolved all comments received on draft IEEE P802.3da/D2.0 during initial Working Group ballot. A first Working Group recirculation ballot will be conducted in draft IEEE P802.3da/D2.1. IEEE P802.3dj 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s, and 1.6 Tb/s Ethernet Task Force ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IEEE P802.3dj Task Force continued developing the technically complete draft that will specify 32 electrical and optical solutions based on PAM4 signalling for 200 Gb/s, 400Gb/s, 800 Gb/s, and 1.6 Tb/s Ethernet.?These solutions will address chip-to-chip and chip-to-module electrical interfaces, backplane, copper cable, and optical solutions based on parallel single-mode fibre (SMF) and wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) approaches.?Additionally, 800 Gb/s Ethernet optical solutions, based on DP-16QAM, for reaches ranging from 10 km to 40 km are being specified. IEEE P802.3dk Greater than 50 Gb/s Bidirectional Optical Access PHYs Task Force ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IEEE P802.3dk Greater than 50 Gb/s Bidirectional Optical Access PHYs Task Force successfully resolved all comments on draft IEEE P802.3dk/ D1.1 and generated draft IEEE P802.3dk/D1.2, which has been circulated for review. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group ------------------------------------------------------------- The IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group completed drafting the IEEE P802.3dp Cabling Restrictions for Single Pair Power over Ethernet (SPoE) Project Authorisation Request (PAR) and supporting Criteria for Standards Development (CSD) and project objectives, seeking approval for the PAR at the March 2025 IEEE SA Standards Board meeting series. IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) YANG Data Model Definitions (revision) Task Force ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first Standards Association recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) YANG Data Model Definitions (revision) closed successfully on 23rd January 2025. A teleconference to consider the six comments received is planned in a few weeks.

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    IEEE 802.3 Pin-Optimized PHY Interface Study Group Partcipation Invitation The IEEE 802.3 Pin-Optimized PHY Interface Study Group met for the first time to build consensus on the objectives for the project. As this project focuses on the MII interface between Media Access Controllers (MACs) and PHYs, the study group would like to encourage interested individuals who are subject matter experts in related areas to participate. In particular, participation by designers and implementors of MII interfaces between PHYs and devices such as Ethernet Switches, CPUs, MCUs, and any other devices containing a MAC would be greatly appreciated.

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    IEEE 802.3 "Ethernet Interconnect for AI" Assessment Activity The IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications Ad Hocc has initiated an assessment of "IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Interconnect for AI", with an emphasis on beyond 200 Gb/s signalling. This effort will focus on gathering information related to AI networks & performance requirements, market potential, Ethernet interconnects for AI applications, priorities, exploring technical feasibility, and other relevant issues that arise during the assessment.?This assessment will enable the generation of material that can be used for future reference by an appropriate related standards activity.

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    IEEE 802 March Plenary Registration is open: Dates:?March?9-14,?2025 Venue: Hilton?Atlanta, 255 Courtland Street NE,?Atlanta, GA, USA Participation Opportunities: In-Person and Virtual Participating Working Groups: ?802.1,?802.3,?802.11,?802.15,?802.18,?802.19,?802.24 Session Information (schedule, hotel accommodations, travel documents etc.):?

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    IEEE 802 LMSC Wireless Interim Meeting Reports from WGs/TAGs IEEE 802.19 Wireless Coexistence Working Group (WG) IEEE 802.19 develops standards for coexistence between wireless standards of unlicensed devices and reviews coexistence assurance (CA) documents produced by working groups developing new wireless standards for unlicensed devices. During January meeting 802.19 didn't receive and CA documents for review. 802.19.3 Task Group continiues to work on the 802.19.3a amendment. The amendment will update and expand coexistence recommendations to address new market requirements, increasing data traffic, greater device density of devices, and increased potential for congestion based on both IEEE Std 802.11-2020 and IEEE Std 802.15.4 sub-1 GHz standards. The amendment will include recommendations with respect to new devices, as well as compatibility with deployed legacy devices. Task Group listened a repsentation from Takenori Sumi on IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g SUN OFDM PHY Coexistence Simulation. The working group sincerely thanks Hiroshi Mano for his efforts.

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    IEEE 802 LMSC Wireless Interim Meeting Reports from WGs/TAGs IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group IEEE 802.18 approved draft responses to France ARCEP's consultation on UWB and UK Ofcom's consultation on plan of work 2025/26. 802.18 TAG heard an invited presentation from a technical expert of Australia ACMA on the ACMA's spectrum planning for Wi-Fi. TAG reviewed an external liaison received from ETSI ISG THz.

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    IEEE 802 LMSC Wireless Interim Meeting Reports from Working Groups: IEEE 802.15 Wireless Specialty Networks (WSN) WG The IEEE 802.15 Working Group kicked off the New Year at the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim Session, held in Kobe, Japan, January 12-17. In addition to having its regular full volume of sessions during the week, several WG15 Officers participated in the Kobe Outreach Workshop on 802 held on Saturday, January 11. The workshop allowed local industry personnel to gain exposure to the activities in IEEE 802, including an overview of the IEEE 802.15 WG and its current activities. ? In addition to this, the IEEE 802.15 WG hosted a Wireless Next Generation (WNG) Technology Focus on Terahertz (THz) and Wi-SUN (Wireless-Smart Utility Network) Technologies, which utilize IEEE 802.15.3 and IEEE 802.15.4 standards, respectively. The WNG Technology Focus included presentations on THz and Wi-SUN Technologies and several live demonstrations on THz Technology. The evening before the WNG Technology Focus, NICT hosted a THz Social, welcoming the presenters, demo assistants, and many of the 802 Wireless Interim Session attendees. ? For a recap of the IEEE 802.15 WG activities at the January 802 Wireless Interim, see:? For a recap of the IEEE 802.15 WG WNG Technology Focus, see:?

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    IEEE 802 LMSC Wireless Interim Meeting Reports from Working Groups: IEEE 802.11 WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS WG 802.11 made further progress at the January interim in Kobe, Japan: TGbi (Enhanced privacy) produced and the working group approved draft P802.11bi/D1.0 for initial working group ballot. Congratulations to the group on achieving this milestone. TGbn (Ultra High Reliability) produced P802.11bn/D0.1, an early draft incorporating much of the current technical consensus. The Enhanced Light Communications (ELC) study group (SG) produced and the working group approved a project authorization request (PAR) and criteria for standards development (CSD). These will be considered by the 802 LMSC at the March session. TGbq (Integrated mmWave), whose P802.11bq PAR was approved in December, 2024 did not meet at the session, but will hold its first meeting as a teleconference in February. Edward Au was confirmed as the task group chair. TGbp (Ambient Power Communications) continues to make further progress toward an initial draft with consensus building on a number of topics. The standing committees (SCs) – ARC, Coex, and AI/ML – as well as the AUTO topic interest group (TIG) further advanced their work. ? The working group sincerely thanks Hiroshi Mano. Meeting at this wonderful location was made possible through his efforts.

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