IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Expo转发了
?? IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Expo 2025 is underway in sunny San Diego! ?? We’re proud to share that Quanta Technology, LLC expert Wayne Bishop Jr. is serving as the conference chair this year. Wayne kicked things off with opening messages from IEEE PES President Shay Bahramirad - (Ph.D.) and San Diego Gas & Electric President and CEO Caroline Winn. Wayne wrapped up the opening session with a brilliant panel featuring Shay Bahramirad - (Ph.D.) from Pacific Gas and Electric Company Caroline Winn from San Diego Gas & Electric Elliot Mainzer from California ISO, Mark Lauby from North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Glenn Springall from Distributed Energy Queensland. The panelists covered a range of topics such as resiliency and workforce which also brought in regulatory and Australian perspectives Stay tuned for more updates from this exciting event! #IEEEGridEdge #GridEdge25 #GridEdge #IEEEPES #QuantaTechnology