? ATTENTION VETERAN OWNED BUSINESSES? Buy Idaho has two (2) spots available last minute for the Capitol Show this Thursday! Email [email protected] and don't miss out on getting your business or organization in front of thousands of people! Buy Idaho, Inc
It's almost time to bring the Idaho community and the makers and creators and service providers within our network together! Join us Thursday, February 27th, 2025 from 8-3 at the beautiful Idaho State Capitol Building for a showcase featuring our favorite things! FREE to the public, come meet our members, including Veteran-Owned, Woman-Owned, family-owned, wine and spirits, spices, products, services, beauty products, apparel, builders, painters, creators, and everything in between! #freeforthepublic #givethepeoplewhattheywant #idahomade #madeinidaho #idahoproductsandservices #buyidaho #SupportSmallBusiness