International Association of Coaching? (IAC)的封面图片
International Association of Coaching? (IAC)

International Association of Coaching? (IAC)


Nashville,TN 9,480 位关注者

We are the home and the certifying body of the IAC Coaching Masteries? We are a global family


The IAC is an independent, global coach certifying body. Our mission is to inspire the on-going evolution and application of universal coaching standards. Coaching is a transformative process for personal and professional awareness, discovery and growth. Our comprehensive certification process evaluates the demonstration of specific masteries that are the hallmark of the most effective and distinguished coaches, as well as sets high standards for the coach’s ethical, professional, and business behaviors. The purpose of this certification is to provide the clients of coaches a valid measure of assurance that they will receive the best coaching.

51-200 人
We aim to advance coaching to the highest standards of universal excellence、coaching、executive coaching、life coaching、masteries、human development和desarrollo humano


International Association of Coaching? (IAC)员工


  • Know our mission and vision: Mission: Provide a highly accountable professional development model for both beginner and experienced coaches, as well as professionals from other fields. Vision: Elevate the coaching profession to the highest standards of universal excellence. Stay connected to learn more about our association, coaching, and how to become an IAC certified coach. Join IAC: ---- Conoce nuestra misión y visión: Misión: Brindar un modelo de desarrollo profesional altamente responsable para coaches principiantes y experimentados, así como para profesionales de otros campos. Visión: Elevar la profesión del coaching a los más altos estándares de excelencia universal. Sigue conectado/a para conocer más de nuestra asociación, del coaching y cómo convertirte en un coach certificado por la IAC. únete a la IAC: ---- 我們的使命和願景: 使命:為初學者和經驗豐富的教練以及其他領域的專業人士提供一個高度負責任的專業發展模式。 願景:將教練職業提升到最高的普遍卓越標準。 保持聯繫,了解更多關於我們協會、教練和如何成為IAC認證教練的信息。 加入IAC: #IACCoachingWeek #Coaching #PersonalCoaching #ProfessionalCoaching #PersonalDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Motivation #positivechange #CoachingPersonal #CoachingProfesional #DesarrolloPersonal #CrecimientoPersonal #Liderazgo #Motivación #CambioPositivo #教練 #個人教練 #專業教練 #個人發展 #個人成長 #領導力 #動機 #積極改變

  • ??? We are celebrating 22 years of IAC?! ??? Today is a special day for our global community! The International Association of Coaching (IAC?) is celebrating 22 years, consolidating itself as an organization committed to excellence, innovation, and the global expansion of coaching. ?? Over the years, we have grown as a community united by values, where coaches from around the world connect, learn, and evolve with The Coaching Masteries? and our certification process, raising the standards of the profession. ?? We invite you to enjoy Day 1 of our global event, Quo Vadis Coaching, where you can connect with the heart of The Coaching Masteries? and discover the unique story behind their creation. ?? Watch the presentation in your language: ?? English: ?? Spanish: ?? Traditional Chinese: ?? Share this post with other coaches and coaching enthusiasts. Let’s keep growing together and expanding our profession with impact, quality, and the human touch! ?? Join our global community: ?? Website: ?? Contact us: [email protected] ?? Thank you for being part of this journey! Let’s keep growing together. #IAC22Anniversary #IACCoaching #CoachingExcellence #WeAreAGlobalFamily #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ??? We are celebrating 22 years of IAC?! ??? Today is a special day for our global community! The International Association of Coaching (IAC?) is celebrating 22 years, consolidating itself as an organization committed to excellence, innovation, and the global expansion of coaching. ?? Over the years, we have grown as a community united by values, where coaches from around the world connect, learn, and evolve with The Coaching Masteries? and our certification process, raising the standards of the profession. ?? We invite you to enjoy Day 1 of our global event, Quo Vadis Coaching, where you can connect with the heart of The Coaching Masteries? and discover the unique story behind their creation. ?? Watch the presentation in your language: ?? English: ?? Spanish: ?? Traditional Chinese: ?? Share this post with other coaches and coaching enthusiasts. Let’s keep growing together and expanding our profession with impact, quality, and the human touch! ?? Join our global community: ?? Website: ?? Contact us: [email protected] ?? Thank you for being part of this journey! Let’s keep growing together. #IAC22Anniversary #IACCoaching #CoachingExcellence #WeAreAGlobalFamily #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ??? ?Celebramos 22 a?os de la IAC?! ??? Hoy es un día especial para toda nuestra comunidad global. La International Association of Coaching (IAC?) cumple 22 a?os, consolidándose como una organización comprometida con la excelencia, la innovación y la expansión del coaching a nivel mundial. ?? A lo largo de estos a?os, hemos crecido como una comunidad unida por valores, donde coaches de todo el mundo se conectan, aprenden y evolucionan con The Coaching Masteries? y nuestro proceso de certificación, elevando el estándar de la profesión. ?? Queremos invitarte a disfrutar del Día 1 de nuestro evento global Quo Vadis Coaching, donde podrás conectar con el corazón de The Coaching Masteries? y descubrir la historia única detrás de su creación. ?? Mira la presentación en tu idioma: ?? Inglés: ?? Espa?ol: ?? Chino tradicional: ?? Comparte este contenido con otros coaches y entusiastas del coaching. ?Sigamos creciendo juntos y expandiendo nuestra profesión con impacto, calidad y toque humano! ?? únete a nuestra comunidad global: ?? Web: ?? Escríbenos: [email protected] ?? ?Gracias por ser parte de esta historia! Sigamos creciendo juntos. #IAC22Aniversario #IACCoaching #CoachingExcellence #WeAreAGlobalFamily #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ??? 慶祝 IAC? 22 週年! ??? 今天對於我們的全球社群來說是個特別的日子!國際教練協會 (IAC?) 已經 22 週年,我們致力於卓越、創新,以及教練專業的全球發展。 ?? 多年來,我們成長為一個 由價值觀聯繫的社群,來自世界各地的教練在這裡連結、學習和成長,透過 The Coaching Masteries? 以及我們的認證過程,提高教練專業的標準。 ?? 我們誠邀您參與全球活動 Quo Vadis Coaching 的第一天,在這裡您可以探索 The Coaching Masteries? 的核心,並發現它們誕生的獨特故事。 ?? 觀看您語言版本的演講: ?? 英文 ?? 西班牙文 ?? 繁體中文 ?? 與其他教練和教練愛好者分享這則貼文。 讓我們攜手成長,擴展我們的專業影響力,帶來品質與人性的關懷! ?? 加入我們的全球社群: ?? 官網: ?? 聯絡我們: [email protected] ?? 感謝您成為這段旅程的一部分!讓我們攜手成長! #IAC22週年 #IAC教練 #教練卓越 #我們是一個全球家庭 #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ??? We Are a Global Family! ??? Being a member of the IAC? means joining a professional coaching association committed to excellence and lifelong learning through The Coaching Masteries?. ?? Access exclusive benefits. ?? Connect with coaches worldwide. ?? Advance your coaching career with the IAC certification process. ?? Become an international volunteer. ?? Be part of a community that creates impact and adds value to coaching on a global scale. If you are an active member, download and use your IAC? 2025 Member Logo as a symbol of your commitment to quality and ethics in coaching. ?? Not a member yet? Discover all the benefits of joining. ?? Visit our website: ?? Contact us: [email protected] #IACCoaching #WeAreAGlobalFamily #IACMembership #CoachingExcellence #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ??? ?Somos una comunidad global! ??? Ser miembro de la IAC? significa formar parte de una asociación profesional de coaches comprometidos con la excelencia y el aprendizaje continuo a través de The Coaching Masteries?. ?? Accede a beneficios exclusivos. ?? Conéctate con coaches de todo el mundo. ?? Avanza en tu ruta de carrera con el proceso de certificación de la IAC. ?? Conviértete en un voluntario internacional. ?? Sé parte de una comunidad que aporta valor e impacta con el coaching a nivel global. Si ya eres miembro activo, descarga y usa tu logo de miembro IAC? 2025 como símbolo de tu compromiso con la calidad y la ética en el coaching. ?? ?Aún no eres miembro? Descubre todos los beneficios de ser parte. ?? Visita nuestra web: ?? Escríbenos a: [email protected] #IACCoaching #WeAreAGlobalFamily #IACMembership #CoachingExcellence #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ??? 我們是全球大家庭! ??? 成為 IAC? 會員,意味著加入一個致力於卓越與終身學習的專業教練協會,並通過 The Coaching Masteries? 持續成長。 ?? 獲取專屬會員福利。 ?? 與全球教練建立聯繫。 ?? 透過 IAC 認證流程推動你的教練職涯發展。 ?? 成為國際志工,貢獻你的專業與熱情。 ?? 加入這個全球教練社群,創造價值並發揮深遠影響力。 如果你已是活躍會員,請下載並使用你的 IAC? 2025 會員標誌,象徵你對 教練品質與道德 的承諾。 ?? 還不是會員? 探索加入 IAC 的所有優勢。 ?? 訪問我們的網站 ?? 聯繫我們:[email protected] #IACCoaching #WeAreAGlobalFamily #IACMembership #CoachingExcellence #TheCoachingMasteries

  • ?? Relive the Closing Ceremony of the Global Program "Experience The Coaching Masteries, 2024 edition"! ??? On January 24th, IAC? hosted a special event summarizing everything this valuable learning initiative offers to coaches worldwide, helping them elevate their practice through "The Coaching Masteries". ?? Watch the recordings in your preferred language: ?? English: IAC's "2024 ETCM Closing Ceremony” ?? Espa?ol: IAC's "2024 ETCM Closing Ceremony” Spanish ?? Exclusive for IAC? Members ?? ?? Strengthen your coaching skills. ?? Enrich your practice with new perspectives. ?? Connect with the global IAC? coaching community. If you participated, help us improve by completing this short survey! ? Not an IAC? member yet? Join today and enjoy all membership benefits! ?? Already a member but haven’t renewed? Renew now and keep growing with this global learning community! ?? More info: [email protected] ? IAC? Global Members Benefits Committee ? International Association of Coaching (IAC?) _____________________ ?? ?Revive la "Ceremonia de Clausura" del programa global "Experience The Coaching Masteries, edición 2024"! ??? El 24 de enero, IAC? celebró este evento especial que resume todo lo que esta valiosa iniciativa ofrece a los coaches que buscan llevar su práctica al siguiente nivel con "The Coaching Masteries". ?? ?Vuelve a disfrutarlo en tu idioma preferido! ?? Inglés: IAC's "2024 ETCM Closing Ceremony” ?? Espa?ol: IAC's "2024 ETCM Closing Ceremony”: Spanish ?? Exclusivo para miembros de IAC? ?? ?? Mejora tus habilidades de coaching. ?? Enriquece tu práctica con nuevas perspectivas. ?? Conéctate con la comunidad global de coaches de IAC?. Si participaste en el programa, ayúdanos a mejorarlo completando esta breve encuesta. ? ?Aún no eres miembro de IAC?? únete ahora y accede a todos los beneficios de ser parte de esta comunidad. ?? ?? ?Eres miembro pero aún no renovaste tu membresía? ?Hazlo hoy y sigue formando parte de esta red global de aprendizaje! ?? Más información: [email protected] ? IAC? Global Members Benefits Committee ? International Association of Coaching (IAC?) _____________________________ ?? 重溫 IAC? 全球項目《體驗 The Coaching Masteries,2024 版》閉幕典禮!??? 1 月 24 日,IAC? 舉辦了一場特別活動,總結了這項學習計畫的精華,幫助教練們透過 "The Coaching Masteries" 提升專業能力! ?? 選擇您的偏好語言觀看錄影 ?? English: IAC's "2024 ETCM Closing Ceremony” ?? Espa?ol: IAC's "2024 ETCM Closing Ceremony” ?? IAC? 會員專屬福利 ?? ?? 強化您的教練技能。 ?? 透過新視角豐富您的實踐經驗。 ?? 與 IAC? 全球教練社群建立聯繫。 如果您已參與此計畫,請協助我們改進!填寫這份簡短問卷?? ? 還不是 IAC? 會員? 立即加入,享受會員專屬福利! ?? 已是會員但尚未續約? 立即續約,繼續成為這個全球學習社群的一員! ?? 更多資訊:[email protected] ? IAC? Global Members Benefits Committee ? International Association of Coaching (IAC?)

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  • ??? Recognizing and Appreciating Niurka Arévalo ??? The International Association of Coaching (IAC?) expresses its deepest recognition and gratitude to Niurka Arévalo, who has played a key role as Global Chapters Coordinator during the 2024-2025 term. With more than seven years of experience at the IAC?, Niurka has led with commitment and dedication as the Regional Coordinator of Ibero-American Chapters (2022-2023) and the IAC? Peru Chapter Leader (2018-2021). She has also represented our community at international events such as the World Happiness Fest – Peru Edition. Her leadership has fostered connection and growth within our global network of chapters, strengthening the impact of coaching worldwide. ?? Beyond her role at the IAC?, Niurka is an inspiring leader: ?? Specialist in high-performance team development, cultural transformation, and organizational happiness. ?? Mentor in women’s empowerment and co-author of the book Mujeres Reales que Dejan Huella (Real Women Who Leave a Mark). ?? Facilitator of leadership and personal transformation programs. ?? Over 15 years of experience in leadership and coaching, practicing Team Coaching, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, and Educational Coaching in both the public and private sectors. Today, we celebrate her invaluable contributions and wish her success in her new personal, professional, and academic projects. As she herself expressed: ??? “This break will allow me to return later with a fresh and renewed vision.” Thank you, Niurka, for your commitment, passion, and leadership at the IAC?. Your impact on our community will always remain. ???? #IACGlobal #Coaching #Leadership #IACChapters #ThankYouNiurka

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