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I Prefer Dangerous Liberty

I Prefer Dangerous Liberty


I Prefer Liberty celebrates America's history and values. We investigate threats to liberty to keep you informed.


In a letter to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson quoted a Latin adage that is translated, “I prefer dangerous liberty over peaceful slavery.” This site is dedicated to the courage of our Founding Fathers who decided to throw off a peaceful slavery for the freedom of self-determination. They decided to be free rather than be enslaved to the whims of a monarchy. He also reminded Madison that liberty must be nurtured and vigorously defended, lest anarchy or totalitarian dictators overthrow our liberties with the promise peace and security. In our modern American experience, we have been blessed with prosperity and peace for so long that we have forgotten that liberty is very fragile. While we slept in ease, lethargy, and apathy, radical Marxists have been chipping away our freedoms, one piece at a time. The purpose of this website is awaken the moral majority of this country to the erosion of our freedoms. We have traded the freedom to worship as our conscience dictates for the promise of health. We have traded our civil liberty to peacefully assemble to avoid confrontation with those who disagree with us. This list can go on and on. Our purpose is neither to depress nor to inflame rebellion. Instead, our purpose is to educate American Christians and religious people of all faiths to the impending threat of religious persecution and Marxism, and to encourage engagement in the political process and reclaim our nation. If you are prone to be offended by conservative viewpoints, this website will infuriate you. This website is owned by Dr. Alan Holden.

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