Our team in #Krakow, Poland participated in the 7th edition of "Support for Climate - Business vs. Smog" program. Thank you Paulina Zych (she/her) for representing Huntsman and sharing our initiatives towards a #sustainable future. Read more below!
*English version below* Wczoraj oficjalnie otworzyli?my siódm? (!) edycj? programu ?Wspieramy klimat - Biznes kontra smog”! Za nami 2??8??0??0?? warsztatów w 200 miejscowo?ciach dla grupy 6??3?? 3??5??0?? dzieci! A to wszystko nie by?oby mo?liwe, gdyby nie grupa 1200 wolontariuszy-pracowników firm i stowarzyszeń zaanga?owanych w nasz program. O tym, jak wa?ne jest wzmacnianie zaanga?owania pracowników poprzez strategie pozafinansowe, mogli?my us?ysze? podczas rozmowy, w której uczestniczyli: Dorota Franczukowska (PwC Polska), Anna Paszkiewicz (Akamai Technologies), Julia Parda?a (Jagiellonian University), Paulina Zych (she/her) (Huntsman Corporation) oraz Marek Kaszczyc (Insurnavi). Dzi?kujemy za bardzo ciekawe spostrze?enia! Panel dyskusyjny odby? si? podczas ASPIRE Poland Leaders’ Summit. Po panelu, przedstawiciele firm i stowarzyszeń uczestnicz?cych w programie podpisali deklaracj?: "Maj?c ?wiadomo?? konieczno?ci podnoszenia poziomu edukacji ekologicznej oraz zaanga?owania spo?ecznego biznesu na rzecz: przeciwdzia?ania zmianie klimatu, ochrony zasobów wodnych oraz dba?o?ci o jako?? powietrza - deklarujemy pe?ne zaanga?owanie w 7. edycj? programu “Wspieramy klimat - Biznes kontra smog”. ?? #climatechange #education #smog #volunteer EN Yesterday, we officially opened the seventh (!) edition of the “Support for climate - Business vs smog" programe! We organized 2??8??0??0?? educational workshops in 200 cities for a group of 6??3?? 3??5??0?? children! And all this would not have been possible without a group of 1,200 volunteers - employees of companies and associations involved in our program. We had the opportunity to hear about the importance of boosting employee engagement through non-financial strategies during a panel discussion with the following experts: Dorota Franczukowska (PwC Polska), Anna Paszkiewicz (Akamai Technologies), Julia Parda?a (Jagiellonian University), Paulina Zych (she/her) (Huntsman Corporation) and Marek Kaszczyc (Insurnavi). Thank you for many interesting insights that you shared with us! The panel discussion took place during the ASPIRE Poland Leaders' Summit. After the panel, representatives of companies and associations participating in our program signed a declaration: "Being aware of the need to improve the quality of ecological education and social engagement of business in: counteracting the climate change, protecting water resources and improving air quality - we declare our full commitment to the 7th edition of the “Support for Climate - Business vs smog” program”. ?? Aleksander Konior John Lyons Edyta Izabela Gluszek I EMBA Jaros?aw Dudoń, FCCA Stefan B. Maja Smolarczyk Grzegorz Góralczyk, EMBA Piotr Tomaszewski Roland Walters Kasia Katarzyna Warcha? Katarzyna Dabrowska Anna Dworakowska Oksana Shulyk Adam Jamiol Nikunj Nagar, FRM, FCCA Gavin Fisher MCICM Zofia Jastrz?bska