Humane Language Services的封面图片
Humane Language Services

Humane Language Services


Comuna 1,Buenos Aires Autonomous City 1,126 位关注者

More than human translation


Woman-owned linguistic services company specializing in #GenderNeutralLanguage and #CorporateComms. Run by @marialeticiacazeneuve. “It’s about race, the human race. And it’s about rights, human rights,” they screamed at the top of their voices. But as any human rights translator knows, screaming at the top of your voice doesn’t mean being heard, even if what you scream is the truth and your voice roars like thunder for justice, fairness, equity, and inclusion. Not everyone speaks the language of rights. But at Humane, we do. We speak your language. We hear you. We see you. We believe in your cause. And we want to break down language barriers for you so that the roaring sound of your voice is heard across the globe.

2-10 人
Comuna 1,Buenos Aires Autonomous City
Translation、Interpreting、Linguistic Consulting、Gender mainstreaming、Project management、English、Spanish、French、Portuguese、Arabic、Editing、DTP、Inclusive language、Non binary language、Certified translation、Proofreading、Subtitling和Gender neutral language


  • 主要

    Esmeralda 960

    AR,Buenos Aires Autonomous City,Comuna 1,C1007ABR


Humane Language Services员工


  • [English below] ?Hola! (??Seguimos en agosto?! ??) Por acá, en Humane, empezamos la semana habiendo entregado un breve proyecto al espa?ol, en el que evitamos con naturalidad el uso del masculino genérico en las 14 instancias en las que podría haberse colado. Gracias a la traducción de Agostina Lufrano (she/her) y la revisión de María Leticia Cazeneuve (she/ella), lo hicimos posible. ?Y por qué evitamos el uso del masculino "genérico"? Porque se trataba de un evento de bienvenida para organizaciones y comunidades de Estados Unidos. Y no hay nada más feo que te quieran dar la bienvenida excluyéndote desde el principio. Si tu público también es amplio, pero no sabés cómo dirigirte a él, escribinos a [email protected] que con gusto te orientamos. --- Hi there! (Are we still in August?! ??) Here at Humane, we started the week by delivering a short project in Spanish. We naturally avoided using the generic masculine in all 14 instances where it could have slipped in. We made it possible thanks to?Agostina Lufrano (she/her)'s translation and?María Leticia Cazeneuve (she/ella)'s revision. And why did we avoid using the "generic" masculine in Spanish? Because it was a welcome event for organizations and communities in the United States, and nothing is more off-putting than being welcomed while being excluded from the start. If your audience is also broad but you're not sure how to address them, write to us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to help. #LiTranslators #MoreThanHumanTranslation #LenguajeInclusivo #GenderNeutralLanguage #GenderSensitiveLanguage

  • [English below] ?Hola! Acá estamos… seis meses después. Podríamos decir que estuvimos a mil —lo cual es cierto—. Pero la realidad es que, durante este tiempo, priorizamos actividades personales —vacaciones y familia, pero también despedidas y sucesos inesperados—, trabajamos en los proyectos que se confirmaron —sobre todo, en junio— y recibimos con estupor los embates del nuevo gobierno en la Argentina. Todos los días malas, malísimas noticias. Pero acá estamos, de regreso, con dos objetivos (no, prometer contenido periódico no es uno de ellos): ?? Contarte que seguimos adelante, trabajando en equipo y proponiendo soluciones lingüísticas eficientes para tus problemas. ?? Recuperar el interés en nuestra página para compartir contenido de utilidad. Y ahora nos gustaría saber cómo estuviste vos y qué planes tenés para la red para esta mitad del a?o. ?Nos contás? Abrazo. Lautaro, Luciano, Agostina y María Leticia. --- Hi! Here we are… six months later. We could say we were busy (and wouldn’t be lying). But the truth is we’ve been prioritizing personal activities (family and vacation time, but also goodbyes and unexpected events), working on the projects that got confirmed (mainly in June), and receiving, stunned, the brunt of the new administration in Argentina. Bad, terrible news every day. So we’re back with two goals (nop, we won’t be promising regular content): ?? Telling you we are still standing, working as a team, and offering efficient linguistic solutions for your needs. ?? Recovering interest in our page to share helpful information with you. And now we’d like to know about you, how you’ve been, and your plans for this network for the coming months. Care to tell us? Regards, Lautaro, Luciano, Agostina, and María Leticia #LiTranslators #HalfYear

    • From right to let, Luciano, Lautaro, Agostina, and María Leticia, smiling at the camera.
De derecha a izquierda, Luciano, Lautaro, Agostina y María Leticia, sonriendo a la cámara.
