Great reflections Anne-Marie De Vries my wicked issue at the moment is helping clients building new behaviours for transformation vs letting go of the behaviours that served them so far in their work. #wickedissue
Organisatie advies, verander vraagstukken en gedoe in samenwerking voor medisch specialisten | Partner bij C3am organisatie-adviseurs in de zorg | Spoedeisende hulparts
#change At the moment I'm in the middle of the practioner traject cohort 72 of the Human Systems Dynamics Plaza. My post is in english, because this is an international community. Not just to "show off" This practioner traject is about #wickedissues in complex adaptive systems (#CAS). Juggling with my personal wicked issues and performing consious and unconscious adaptive action cycles (#AAC). Observing patterns and applying bits and pieces of the many tools. What hit me most, were the emotions and thoughts, coming with my personal #wickedissue. I experienced tension, uncertainty, discomfort. I wanted to step out, move away, give up. Until I realized this comes with complex change. Studying and reading about tension and uncertainty is like this is for "someone else" ; your client, your colleagues, your customers, your patients, your employer, your parents, your children, "the system". This may sound overly simple. However it made aware why people may be resistant, defensive or unhappy with change. Or someone representing "change" in their system. This might be your mother unwilling to search for a residency with care facilities. Your patients with a need of implementing a different lifestyle. Or your client or colleague discussing with you instead of valuing your advice. If anything, this discomfort hopefully brings me compassion to deal with complex change in any system I will be involved with. As change is the only constant factor, we will be ongoingly involved. What about your #wickedissues ?