Housing Oregon

Housing Oregon


Portland,OR 676 位关注者

An affordable, healthy, and stable home for all Oregonians.


Housing Oregon works to ensure all Oregonians have a healthy and stable place to live. We are membership association focused on nonprofit affordable housing organizations. Our 75 members build, finance, and support affordable housing. Together, they have housed 300,000+ Oregonians and built 50,000+ homes and apartments. Our strategies are: 1) Policy and Advocacy: Ensuring funding and policies lead to housing more Oregonians 2) Liaison with housing agencies to meet housing needs 3) Housing Industry Support: Helping non-profit housing organizations excel

2-10 人
Training and peer learning、Advocacy、Communications、Policy development、Affordable Housing和Community Development


  • 主要

    1207 SW Broadway

    Ste 400



Housing Oregon员工


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    676 位关注者

    Make Your Voice Heard: Register to Vote and Learn About?Ranked?Voting!?https://lnkd.in/eV7weA6J Voting is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference—not just for yourself, but for your community and for those who can't vote. When you cast your ballot, you're voting for the farmer who puts food on our tables but can't get to the polls, for the parents who need better schools, for the neighbors who deserve safe streets, and for all those who aren't eligible to vote for whatever reason. Every vote counts! Whether it's for school funding, new parks, better hospitals, or improving roads, your voice matters. Ranked voting gives you even more power to choose the leaders and policies that reflect your values. So, if you haven't already,?register to vote?today and learn how ranked voting works. Then, spread the word—share this information widely! Let's make sure that everyone who can vote is ready to make a difference for themselves and their community. Your vote matters. Make it count! My Vote Information and how to Register to Vote. Information on the link below is in several languages. https://lnkd.in/gh9GHkPc Spanish: Haga oír su voz: ?Regístrese para votar y aprenda sobre la votación por orden de importancia! https://lnkd.in/eV7weA6J Votar es una de las formas más poderosas de marcar la diferencia, no sólo para usted, sino también para su comunidad y para aquellos que no pueden votar. Cuando usted vota, está votando por los agricultores que ponen comida en nuestras mesas pero no pueden acudir a las urnas, por los padres que necesitan mejores escuelas, por los vecinos que merecen calles seguras y por todos aquellos que no son elegibles para votar por cualquier motivo. ?Cada voto cuenta! Ya sea para financiar escuelas, nuevos parques, mejores hospitales o mejorar carreteras, su voz importa. La votación por orden de importancia le brinda aún más poder para elegir líderes y políticas que reflejen sus valores. Entonces, si aún no lo has hecho, regístrate para votar hoy y aprende cómo funciona la votación clasificada. Luego, corra la voz: ?comparta esta información ampliamente! Asegurémonos de que todos los que puedan votar estén preparados para marcar la diferencia para ellos y su comunidad. Tu voto importa. ?Haz que cuente! Información de mi voto y cómo registrarse para votar. La información en el siguiente enlace está en varios idiomas. https://lnkd.in/gh9GHkPc

    Portland United for Change

    Portland United for Change


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    676 位关注者

    Save the Date ? September 24–25, 2024! Join us at the Housing Oregon 2024 Conference and Awards Gala as we explore the latest trends and developments in affordable housing. Welcome to an enriching experience, knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and celebration. For registration questions and general information, contact Cristina Palacios: [email protected] or 971-347-9508

    • Save the Date ? September 24–25, 2024! Housing Oregon 2024 Conference and Awards Gala. Register and get involved today. www.housingoregon.org/conference

Photo of woman at a podium next to several awards.

