I did love visiting the mothership...
VP of Global Business Development at Hospitality WiFi Intl LLC Mobile DVR Product Manager at SAY SECURITY GROUP USA
Que lugar tan hermoso para crear la sede de tan importante organización. Palma de Mallorca se siente como un lugar mágico y creo que me he enamorado. Gracias a Iberostar Group por haberme recibido. Hospitality WiFi International listo para darles el mejor servicio. What a beautiful place to call home of such an important and well known organizacion such as Iberostar Group, I think I have fallen in love with Palma de Mallorca. Thank you for taking me in, we are ready to give you the best service, and advise in technology you deserve. #HospitalityWiFi, #WiFi, #IHGConnect, #IHGSTUDIO.