HW provided the hydrologic study of the bog, restoration design, and permitting services. Thanks SumCo Eco-Contracting for the mention. Great work everyone! #ecologicalrestoration #cranberrybogs #teamwork
SumCo Eco just completed the restoration of the Chop Chaque Cranberry Bogs in the TOWN OF MASHPEE, MA to a natural wetlands habitat similar to what likely existed prior to cranberry cultivation. The site consisted of two bogs encompassing 6.5 acres. Work entailed clearing, grubbing, and stripping; control and diversion of water during the work; earthwork, and ecological restoration of disturbed area, as well as loaming, seeding, and wetland & upland plantings. Great work by the SumCo Eco crew, led by Travis Sumner and Project Manager Kris van Naerssen, PWS This was a collaborative effort. Thanks to project partners Horsley Witten Group, Inc., TOWN OF MASHPEE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, the Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game, Native Land Conservancy, Inc. #EcoSystemRestoration #Mitigation #SumCoEcoProject #EcologicalRestoration #Biodiversity #bogrestoration