“HORNE is honored to sponsor this exhibit at the Two Mississippi Museums. Hurricane Katrina reshaped the Mississippi Gulf Coast, its businesses, and the lives of nearly every Mississippian, including our team. We remain proud to support long-term recovery efforts and use the lessons learned to help communities nationwide rebuild after disasters." - Rusty Butcher, CEO and Managing Partner of HORNE
Get ready to experience our newest special exhibit, "Hurricane Katrina: Mississippi Remembers, Photographs by Melody Golding," opening on Saturday, March 8, at the Two Mississippi Museums! This exhibit tells the story of Mississippians’ resilience in the aftermath of the catastrophic storm through photographs by Golding, a photographer, author, and artist from Vicksburg. This exhibit is sponsored by HORNE. Learn more at https://lnkd.in/eSScx7gn. #twoMSmuseums #MississippiRemembers #HurricaneKatrina #sneakpeek #specialexhibit #freeadmission #comingsoon #mshistory #upcomingexhibits #katrina #anniversary #hurricane #storm #strength #community #museums #history #explorejxn #visitjxn #fyp #repost