Horizon Government AffairsµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Horizon Government Affairs

Horizon Government Affairs


DC��Washington 933 λ��ע��


Horizon Government Affairs is a full service consultancy specializing in actionable strategic and tactical advice for navigating the Congressional and regulatory processes. We employ targeted advocacy and utilize traditional and new-media strategies to make your message heard, creating the relationships and alliances that make organizations successful, whether on Capitol Hill, with the Administration, or among their competitors and peers. Our satisfied clients include employers, insurers, patient organizations and health care providers. Our bipartisan team has more than 40 years of combined experience as former Congressional and Agency staff. We possess a diverse skill set, from ��big picture�� economics to detailed understandings of the laws and regulations governing reimbursement structures, health and Medicare reform, quality measurement and improvement, drug development, pricing and patient access, and health IT standards and delivery. We operate six not-for-profit coalitions offering effective platforms to amplify your message and build alliances across diverse organizations. Together, these coalitions have more than 200 members, including trade groups, individual companies and charities representing patient, provider, payer and employer interests.

2-10 ��
Affordable Healthcare��ACA, Coverage��Health IT��Rare Disease Advocacy��Prescription Adherence��Insurance Exchanges��Payment Issues��Consulting��Lobbying��Coalition Building��Strategic Analysis��Policy Development��Federal & State Government��Prescription Drug Pricing


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