Urime 28 N?ntori ?? “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”– Henry Ford
Hoja is a service company offering business solutions in human capital, training, network and change management.
Hoja is a business center dedicated in offering a bundle of services to businesses and individuals. Our offices are located in the capital city of Kosova in Prishtina. We aim to build and offer a bundle of services to businesses and individuals by delivering value and high quality solutions. Our commitment ranges from the beginning of a collaboration, to the extensive needs that follow through our partnerships. We must provide value, both for our company and our clients. We must meet or exceed all requirements in an efficient and cost effective manner. We must maintain a balance of proven techniques with the ability to be innovative . Our markets will include industrial, commercial, agricultural, regional and residential clients. Our company will be able to provide a package of services that will allow us to offer conception to completion efficiency.
- 网站
- 所属行业
- 商务咨询服务
- 规模
- 2-10 人
- 总部
- Prishtin?
- 类型
- 上市公司
- 创立
- 2020
Rr. Nazim Gafurri
Kati.2 , Nr.3
?? Mir? se vini n? ekip?n ton? . Nj? udh?zues i shkurt?r p?r t? p?rmbushur me sukses p?rgjegj?sit? tuaja n? vendin e pun?s?? T? filloni nj? pun? t? re ?sht? emocionuese, por n? t? nj?jten koh? mund t? jet? edhe sfiduese. P?rgjegj?sit? jan? pika ky?e p?r suksesin tuaj dhe t? ekipes ton?. Ja disa sugjerime q? mund t’ju ndihmojn?: *Kuptoni Rolin Tuaj ?? - Lexoni p?rshkrimin e pun?s dhe b?ni pyetje. Sa m? mir? t’i kuptoni p?rgjegj?sit?, aq m? i madh do t? jet? kontributi juaj. *K?rkoni dhe Jepni Feedback ?? - Feedback-u ?sht? mjeti kryesor p?r t? m?suar, rritur e zhvilluar. Mos hezitoni t? pyesni apo t? kerkoni ndihm?. *Tregoni Iniciativ? ?? - Nj? ide e re ose nj? k?ndv?shtrim i fresk?t jan? gjithmon? t? mir?pritura. ?do ndryshim i vog?l ka ndikim te?madh p?r koleg?t dhe kompanine ton?. *Q?ndroni Besnik ndaj Vlerave tona ?? - Kultura dhe vlerat te kompanis? jan? pjes? e r?nd?sishme e suksesit ton?. Respektimi dhe p?rkushtimi ndaj tyre krijon nj? mjedis t? shk?lqyer p?r t? gjith? ne. Bashk?punojm? dhe mb?shtesim nj?ri-tjetrin p?r t? krijuar di?ka kuptimplot?.
Upskilling and Reskilling for Employees In today’s fast-changing work environment, upskilling and reskilling are essential for both employees and companies. They help employees stay relevant, improve productivity, and support career growth, while enabling businesses to close skill gaps, boost innovation, and adapt to market changes. Investing in continuous learning future-proofs careers and builds a more agile, resilient workforce. Here are some key reasons why they are so important: 1. Adaptability to Technological Change 2. Improving Productivity and Efficiency 3. Career Growth and Job Satisfaction 4. Closing Skill Gaps and Reducing Turnover In short, upskilling and reskilling benefit both employees and employers by creating a workforce that’s more capable, adaptable, and engaged. This not only drives company growth but also secures long-term career opportunities for employees.
While most businesses focus on conventional strategies like networking and cold outreach, there are several underutilized approaches that can foster long-term success. One such strategy is leveraging strategic partnerships with non-competing businesses, which can open new markets and offer access to shared resources. Another overlooked tactic is investing in employee development; well-trained, motivated staff can drive innovation and improve customer relationships. Additionally, businesses often neglect the potential of customer feedback as a tool for growth. Regularly gathering and acting on feedback can refine products or services and build stronger loyalty. These strategies, though often underused, can significantly enhance a company's growth trajectory. #businessdevelopment #businessdevelopmentstrategy #growth
A Pragmatic Approach to Becoming a Skills-Based Organisation ?? While a skills-powered organisation won’t solve every business challenge, it can make a significant impact on some of the most pressing issues. Leaders must first identify which challenges a skills-based approach can tackle and then prioritise accordingly. ?? Avoiding Overwhelm – Transitioning doesn’t happen overnight. By focusing on critical skills gaps first, companies can achieve meaningful progress. Think of it as short sprints rather than a marathon – tackling smaller challenges over time avoids the trap of excessive upfront work. As the global skills crisis intensifies, businesses have a prime opportunity to future-proof their workforce. Though the journey to becoming a skills-based organisation may have its challenges, the long-term rewards – increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and sustainable success – are well worth the effort.
Embracing Change in Digital Marketing In the present day, none but the most rigid of marketing strategies can survive the rapid pace of development that distinguishes the contemporary age. Marketing as a practice, and as a phenomenon, has a future, if we learn to change. There are several trends that are already taking shape, two of which are Artificial Intelligence and automation. AI is an umbrella term that has become common in many business environments, increasing interaction patterns with customers through more advanced components, such as chatbots or websites that offer predictive analytics. Moreover, content is also changing, with the emergence of short-form videos compelling brands to rethink their storytelling ways. Engaging formats for delivering meaningful messages are in short supply and very urgent. Moreover, sustainability and ethics are playing an important role among people. Companies that show social concern are better able to engage their clients: thus ethics in marketing is becoming more and more important today. As a company we understand the need to adapt to these changes and incorporate these trends in our future developments.
The "3 P's of Business Development" — People, Process, and Product — are essential pillars for driving sustainable growth in any organization. People are the core of any business, encompassing employees, clients, partners, and stakeholders. Building strong relationships and nurturing a skilled, motivated team enables effective execution of business strategies, fostering a collaborative environment where innovation and growth thrive. Process refers to the systems and structures in place to manage daily operations, from lead generation to customer acquisition, sales management, and service delivery. A streamlined, efficient process ensures consistency, scalability, and adaptability, allowing the business to grow smoothly as it expands. Finally, the Product — whether it's a good or service — must meet customer needs, stand out in the market, and continuously evolve to remain relevant. A strong product offering that adapts to changing market conditions helps attract new customers and retain existing ones. By aligning these three elements, businesses can create a solid foundation for long-term success and competitive advantage. #growth #businessdevelopment #innovation
Fuqizoni njer?zit q? t? arrijn? potencialin e tyre t? plot? Nj? p?rfitim i fundit i r?nd?sish?m i nj? kulture pune t? larmishme, t? barabart? dhe gjith?p?rfshir?se ?sht? se ajo krijon nj? mjedis q? fuqizon punonj?sit. Kur kompanit? inkurajojn? punonj?sit e tyre, kjo ndihmon p?r t? ushqyer lidhjen, p?r t? nd?rtuar besnik?ri dhe p?r t? mb?shtetur pun?tor?t n? dh?nien e reagimeve q? nxisin ndryshime pozitive brenda vendit t? pun?s. Sipas t? dh?nave nga sondazhi i Deloitte, Gen Zs d?shiron t? punoj? p?r kompani me hierarki m? pak t? ngurt?, ku ata mund t? shprehin hapur idet? e tyre dhe t? marrin pjes? n? formimin e nj? mjedisi pune m? gjith?p?rfshir?s. Dhe nga pun?tor?t e anketuar q? ndiheshin t? fuqizuar nga organizatat e tyre, af?r 90% raportuan se ndjenin nj? ndjenj? p?rkat?sie me pun?dh?n?sit e tyre.
Qysh jeni? N? Dit?n Nd?rkomb?tare t? Vet?dij?simit p?r Sh?ndetin Mendor, hajde e rikujtojm? se forca jon? e v?rtet? fillon me kujdesin p?r veten ton?. Qysh e dijm? sh?ndeti mendor ?sht? po aq i r?nd?sish?m sa ai fizik, por shpesh mbetet n? heshtje. Sot, e kemi mund?sin? ta p?rqafojm? veten dhe nj?ri-tjetrin me mir?si, t’i hapim zemrat p?r biseda m? t? ndjeshme edhe t? tregojm? se ?do emocion ?sht? i vlefsh?m. Kujdesi p?r mendjen ?sht? nj? akt dashurie p?r veten dhe p?r t? tjer?t. N? k?t? dit? e n? gjith? tjerat, ndaj? ngroht?si, ta ndihmojm? nj?ri-tjetrin dhe ta nd?rtojm? nj? bot? ku secili prej nesh ndjehet i sigurt t? k?rkoj? ndihm? dhe t? gjej? mb?shtetje ??