One of the biggest hurdles people with disabilities face is the problem of "LOW EXPECTATIONS". This mindset arises mainly in people who have never previously interacted with someone well-educated, successful, and leading an independent life, despite having a disability. The former therefore find it difficult to imagine that someone with a disability is as capable as anyone else. The quote below sums up this perfectly. "Just because you think you cannot do it, does not mean they too cannot do it."
Just a reminder, employers are not expected to lower expectations or performance standards when hiring someone with a disability. They should still be able to perform the job effectively. #DisabledAndCapable #DisabilityInclusion #HumanResources ID: A white background with flowers in the corner. Quote reads, "Let's be clear. Hiring people with disabilities DOES NOT mean lowering expectations or performance standards. - Meg O'Connell, CEO Global Disability Inclusion.