When your business coach tells you to focus on your parenting as self care and you believe in speaking things into existence I guess that my intentional big rock of this week including family time was a direct order to the universe to give us two snow days for practice.
So the first two hours of the day were spent in creative mode helping mama make social media posts, this post began as a family dinner night fun, the tag line for this image was “when you ask your kids to eat their vegetables" and part of the night before a second predicted snow day in WI winter ?? looks like a spa day at the Murray-Bentz household.
Thanks to my friends who accepted my early morning messages sharing the content to capture some of the verbatim content from my future influencer and creative, 8 year old, who needs to go to school when you can just create your own YouTube channel ????
#wellnessatwork #wellbeingatwork #parenting #wfhlife #snowday