Today, I am sending the following open letter to Republican Members of Congress to ask them to take action on behalf of important members of our community. For ease of reading, I have cut and paste the content here. The original letter follows.
February 3, 2025
Dear Republican Members of Congress,
I am writing this open letter to Republican Members of Congress with hope they will act immediately and swiftly to eliminate a grave injustice.
We have friends, neighbors and colleagues living with anxiety and fear that they could be expelled from our communities, which they help to thrive.
I have the privilege to have friends and colleagues who have an immigration status known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA. People who qualify for DACA have lived in this country continuously since 2007; arrived in this country prior to the age of 16 (i.e. as children); have at least a high school degree and/or are active military or veterans; and have no criminal records including no misdemeanors of note. They are upstanding members of our communities.
My friends and others I know with DACA status arrived in the United States well before the age of 10 years-old. Most have little to no memory of their birth country. They have dedicated themselves to making our communities, schools and businesses better. Yet, their fates hang in ambiguity.
Republican Members of Congress have the power to end the ambiguity and ease people’s minds.? I urge the Republican Members of Congress to pass legislation that:
1. Ensures all people with DACA status may easily and quickly renew their status.
2. Permits and expedites the process for those with DACA status to obtain a green card (permanent status to live and work in the U.S.) - especially if sponsored by an employer.
3. Creates a clear and reasonable path to citizenship.
If there is not enough consensus to pass the third item, please pass the first two items as quickly as possible.
I am confident President Trump will gladly sign the legislation. It is consistent with the stated intent that deportation should focus only on those with criminal records. Those with DACA status, by definition, do not have criminal records.
Our communities are far better places to live… our businesses are far more successful because of the contributions of our friends, neighbors and colleagues who have DACA status. It is wrong that they should have to live with anxiety and fear that they could be expelled.
Please Republican Members of Congress, take immediate and swift action. Eliminate the ambiguity, anxiety and fear. Please pass legislation to make DACA status easy to renew; expedite the process to obtain green cards and, if you’re able, provide a clear path to citizenship.
Our communities and businesses are dependent on your leadership.
Respectfully yours,
John Creighton?
High Plains Bank?
Flagler, Wiggins, Bennett, Keenesburg and Longmont, Colorado