Sometimes, we podcast. Somewhat regularly. With gusto! Have a listen to Jon Michael Ryan & Matt Ogens talk about the beauty of Matt's creative process and the pursuit of telling stories well.
Yesterday while on the phone with Keith Kennedy I found myself eyeing the bees making their way out of my neighbors' hives and all around my yard. And it reminded me of something I hadn't thought about in years... Viollet-le-Duc's theories on restoration architecture in 19th century France. Actually, I'm just here to shamelessly promote our podcast and accept that I'm leaning into this platform this year. Noah Readhead has designated me the LinkedIn voice. Apparently I have thoughts about things? Lots of people have amazing thoughts. That's why we started the Retriever podcast "Hey, Retriever!" a few years back. Most recently we released an episode where my friend, brother-in-arms and creative cohort Matt Ogens and I sat down and talked about the creative drive and his endless pursuit of learning and relearning how we function as individuals moving through creative space. Listen for the lessons, leave on the beautiful high-notes of a delightful soundscape. Eternal thanks to Matt Richmond, Princess Sims, Coann Kurfman and Dane Dickmann for making the podcast a real thing. If you're an ear-kind-of-person, have a listen. Links below. And if you're wondering how this plays into Viollet-le-Duc's theories... it's because the best creative work isn't about repeating what's been done before, it's about getting to the essence of something and trying to elevate it beyond expectation. It's actually super relevant to our world. I guess bees, too; they're always up to neat things, bees. See how I made this very "LinkedIn?" Such Linked. Very In.