What does it mean to work at Helping Up Mission?
My name is Megan Eisentraut, and I was brought in as the new Grants Coordinator at the start of November. This is my first job out of college, and I am doing a takeover to highlight important/fun things HUM is doing.
As a recent graduate, however, everything I'm experiencing right now is brand new. Because of that, I want to emphasize 4 major life and career lessons I've learned over the last few weeks:
1. A company is not one singular program. Everything is interconnected, and everyone relies heavily on everyone else. There's a reason we're called a team- without one another, we cannot succeed. Programs, operations, and administration all need one another to survive, and together, we all thrive.
2. A supportive community means so much. On the 7th, we hosted the first annual hiring fair. I had the opportunity to attend in support of Marketing and Grants and see 40 of our clients talk to different companies in the area that would support them through their recovery process. I even had the opportunity to talk to a man who was once a client and now sat on the other side of the table as an employer. Now, he's in a position to join the community around HUM and support in the same way he was supported. From a grants perspective, everything we do is from the support of the community. When we ask for help financially, it is from the community (church, global, local, national, etc.) around us, and they deliver.
This week, I submitted my first grant to a church that supports our Center for Women & Children. Together, we have the opportunity to build up women and children and supporting our clients as they work to create healthy, happy lives for themselves.
3. Working at HUM is awesome. Between the free lunches I get each day, the mission of HUM, the clients we're helping, and the incredible staff, I have loved spending the last two weeks here.
4. Every person should experience a HUM chapel at some point in their life. No matter what I'm doing on a Friday, I have decided I want to make an effort to be at each chapel. We go through a word of the week that is uplifting and centered around scripture, and watch as our clients phase up and graduate our yearlong Spiritual Recovery Program. Seeing everyone around each graduate cheer for them has made me tear up each time. The other thing I love about our chapels is the choir. Seeing a group of people coming together and singing their hearts out is so inspiring. It is a glimpse of heaven on Earth to see what it would look like when we are one day all worshiping our Father together without the pain of this world.
To have learned all this in just the last two weeks makes me wonder how much I'll learn in the next year. I cannot wait to see how HUM continues to make a positive impact in the lives of people struggling with poverty, addition, and homelessness.