Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers的封面图片
Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers

Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers


HAUW is a non-profit charitable initiative that unites a global family of OSH experts to help Ukrainian workers.


HELP ALLIANCE FOR UKRAINIAN WORKERS (HAUW) is non-for-profit charitable initiative of engaged persons, associations and companies to unite and mobilize the global family of OSH Experts and Prevention Specialists including OSH Suppliers as partners in a Global Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers. HAUW pursues purely civilian goals to help and support civilian workers in Ukraine to survive and protect their health and safety. People in Ukraine are still going about their daily work to maintain vital functions in critical infrastructure, emergency services, energy supply, logistics, transportation, health services, public services and other branches. HAUW is aimed to provide the structures to ensure that the help reliably arrives where it is needed. We bring to your attention 3 ways to contribute and support Ukrainian workers: 1. Help directly by registering with your personal/organizational expertise by providing advice, consultation, or training - on the website of the "HELP Alliance for Ukrainian Workers" . 2. Help directly if you can provide equipment, personal protective equipment, first aid supplies or other occupational safety products. 3. Help indirectly by contributing an amount of money that is possible for you to the donation account of "HELP Alliance for Ukrainian Workers". Payment details for your contribution: VDSI - Verband für Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz bei der Arbeit e.V. , Commerzbank Wiesbaden, Konto-Nr. DE89 5108 0060 0188 7907 01. BIC: DRESDEFF510. A donation receipt (Spendenquittung) is available. The "HELP Alliance for Ukrainian Workers" is run by two non-profit organisations: ? The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health in Ukraine (ESOSH - ? The Association for Safety, Health and Environmental Protection at Work (VDSI -

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safety、health 、security、wellbeing、occupational safety、charity、Ukraine和safety experts

Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers员工


  • Olha Bohdanova , one of the founders of Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers will participate in the Baltic Security Conference on March 20 with the topic “Health and Safety during Migration and Armed Conflict: Strategies for a Resilient Workforce by 2025.” You are welcome to join us!

    查看Baltic Security Conference的组织主页

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    #SPEAKERINVITES [ENG BELOW] ??Ielūdz Olga Bogdanova ?? Olha ir darba un veselības aizsardzības profesionāle ar vairāk kā 15 gadu pieredzi ra?o?anas, naftas un gāzes nozarē. ?obrīd Valdes priek?sēdētāja The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) Pla?āk par vi?as profesionālajām gaitām stāstījām jau iepriek?. ??? ?odien Olha pievienojas mums video, sniedzot īsu ieskatu savā gaidāmajā performancē pie mums Rīgā. Jūs sagaida gadījuma izpēte no valsts, kurā darba dro?ības un aizsardzības noteikumus pārrakstījusi reāla kara darbība. Mums ir liels prieks un lepnums uz?emt ?āda līme?a ekspertus uz #BSC2025 skatuves! ?? Darba dro?ības un aizsardzības profesionā?us aicinām sekot Olhas profilam arī LinkedIn, kurā gana regulāri atradīsiet vērtīgu saturu --> ?? Pievienojies mums tur, ja vēlies izmantot lielisko iespēju sastapt vi?u klātienē: [ENG] #SPEAKERINVITES ??Inviting Olga Bogdanova ?? Olha is a workplace health and safety professional with over 15 years of experience in the manufacturing, oil, and gas industries. She is currently the Chairperson of The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) We have previously shared more about her impressive professional journey. ??? Today, Olha joins us via video, offering a brief preview of her upcoming performance in Riga. Expect a case study from a country where workplace safety and protection regulations have been rewritten by the harsh realities of actual warfare. We are honored and excited to welcome such high-level experts to the #BSC2025 stage! ?? We encourage workplace safety and protection professionals to follow Olha on LinkedIn, where she regularly shares valuable insights → ?? Join us to seize the opportunity to meet her in person:

  • 20 лютого АПКБУ+ ESOSH запрошують на практичний трен?нг-майстер-клас ?Оц?нювання ризик?в на робочих м?сцях. Профес?я ОХОРОНЕЦЬ?. ?? Що ви отрима?те? ? Навчитеся визначати ризики за ?вропейськими стандартами для укра?нських реал?й ? Розглянете реальн? кейси з безпеки охоронц?в ? Д?зна?тесь про ефективн? методи контролю ризик?в ? Тренери - фах?вц? з безпеки з м?жнародних компан?й ?? Дата: 20 лютого ? Час: 15:00-16:30 (Ки?в) ?? Формат: Онлайн (ZOOM) ?? Участь безоплатна! Для кого? Фах?вц?в з ф?зично? безпеки, охоронц?в, спец?ал?ст?в з охорони прац? та HR-команд. ?? Використайте можлив?сть навчитися керувати ризиками та захистити себе ? сво?х колег! ?? Ре?страц?я за посиланням Чека?мо на вас! ??

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  • The impactful initiative “Vision Zero for Emergency Situations”?? was presented for the first time at the Conference in Delhi by Olga Bogdanova on behalf of the Ukrainian health and safety specialists of The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) ???? The ultimate goal is to create a system where no life is lost or significantly harmed during emergencies, natural disasters or large-scale crises

    查看Olha Bohdanova的档案

    PhD in Engineering, CertIOSH, ISSA Consctruction, General Secretary, Chairperson in ESOSH

    ?? ??A Framework for Resilience in Times of Crisis and Climate Change At the International Conference on “Achieving a Sustainable World of Work through Vision Zero” at IIT Delhi, I had the privilege of presenting for the first time ??Vision Zero for Emergency Situations?? inspired by Ukraine’s experience during times of war. These insights are especially critical as the world faces increasing challenges from crises and climate change. The 7?? Golden Rules of Vision Zero, when adapted to emergencies, emphasize the ultimate prioritization of life, flexibility in rapidly changing conditions, and building resilient systems capable of saving lives and supporting safe reconstruction. My ultimate goal is to create a system where no life is lost or significantly harmed during emergencies, be it natural disasters, or large-scale crises. ??I have recently begun developing the details of this concept and would like to invite professionals to collaborate and contribute to its further refinement and advancement. Let me also invite you to join the ISSA Section in Construction where we collaborate globally to advance safety and resilience in workplaces and communities ????? #VISIONZERO #EmergencyManagement #Sustainability #ClimateChange #SafeReconstruction

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  • Ukrainian safety professionals of The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) share their experience. By discussing occupational safety in wartime, they are contributing to global efforts in strengthening emergency preparedness and resilience ??

    查看Baltic Security Conference的组织主页

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    #IEPAZīSTIRUNāTāJUS?[ENG below] Vai darba aizsardzība ir īstenojama kara apstāk?os un kā sagatavoties tam, kas ??iet neiedomājams? Pasaule mums apkārt strauji mainās- mūsdienās darba aizsardzība ir vairāk nekā tikai noteikumu ievēro?ana. Baltijas Dro?ības konferencē 2025 dzirdēsim pieredzes stāstu par darba aizsardzību kara apstāk?os.? ? Olga BogdanovaThe European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) valdes priek?sēdētāja ? Olga uzstāsies ar tēmu: Darba aizsardzība kara apstāk?os. Lasiet vairāk par ?o runātāju un vi?as profesionālo pieredzi:? Atgādinām – RE?ISTRāCIJA IR ATVēRTA, īstais laiks pieteikties? ? [ENG] #MEETTHESPEAKERS Is occupational safety achievable in wartime, and how can we prepare for what seems unimaginable? The world around us is changing rapidly—today, occupational safety is more than just following rules. At the Baltic Security Conference 2025, we will hear a powerful story of workplace safety during times of war. ? Olga Bogdanova – Chair of the Board, The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) ? Olga will present the topic: "Occupational Safety in Wartime." Learn more about this speaker and her professional background:? Reminder: REGISTRATION IS OPEN – now is the perfect time to secure your spot?

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  • 查看Felix Timtschenko的档案

    Head of Security, Infrastructure & HSE at A. Lange & S?hne

    In der ukrainischen Stadt Gostomel wurde eine Bibliothek zerst?rt. Natürlich nicht nur diese sondern auch viele andere Geb?ude, wo Menschen lebten, arbeiteten, schliefen, lernten, a?en und lasen. Wie gesagt zerst?rt. Wer und warum braucht hier keine Erkl?rung. Der Verein Guarded e.V. war ma?geblich daran beteiligt, Gelder zu sammeln, um diese Bibliothek wieder aufzubauen und zu renovieren. Warum erz?hle ich das? Weil zerst?ren einfach ist. Vernichten ist einfach. Aufbauen, erschaffen, erneuern ist schwer. Es kostet Nerven, Mühe und Geld. Aber es kann gelingen und es gelingt. Den Unterschied sehen wir in diesen zwei Bildern. Dank geht raus an Olha Bohdanova Daryna Bogdanova Daryna Bohdan Myroslava Mykytiuk und das ganze Team von Guarded e.V. ???? #thanks Lasst uns 2025 zu einem Jahr des Helfens und Aufbauens machen. Denn wir k?nnen einen Unterschied machen. #rebuild #create #renew #rise

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  • Health and safety in Ukraine ??????♀???

    ZOOM-зустр?ч ?Зроста?мо у 2025 роц?? ?? Коли: 8 с?чня, 15:30–17:00 (Ки?в) ?? Де: онлайн (ZOOM) ?? Варт?сть: безплатно ?? Орган?затори: ESOSH, журнал ?Охорона прац?? Чому варто долучитися? Розпочн?ть р?к ?з натхнення, корисних знань ? практичних ?дей! Поговоримо про розвиток фах?вц?в з охорони прац?, виклики 2025 року та знайдемо нов? р?шення разом. ?? Програма зустр?ч?: Напрями роботи ESOSH у 2025 роц?: обирайте, очолюйте чи долучайтеся до про?кт?в. Розвиток компетенц?й: укра?нськ? та м?жнародн? курси, п?дготовка до ?вро?нтеграц??. Ментальне здоров’я: подолання стресу, створення безпечного середовища та посттравматичне зростання. Дискус?? сп?льноти: ставте запитання та д?л?ться ?деями. ?? Долучайтеся! Ре?страц?я за посиланням

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  • Sometimes it seems like it's for nothing, but it's not??

    A low bow to volunteers from Ukraine and around the world who help military and civilians ????. And professional respect and gratitude to those who generously spread knowledge about occupational safety. We had the honor of marking more than 30 safety volunteers with badges in October with Matviychuk Dmytro, but fortunately there are many more ?? Good luck to you and everyone you care about . The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) , Science and Industry journal of Ukraine "Occupational Safety and Health" Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers

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  • ?? ВЕБ?НАР: БЕЗПЕКА ЗЕМЛЯНИХ РОБ?Т ?? 25 листопада ? 14:00–15:00 (Ки?в) ?? ZOOM ?? Участь безплатна ?? Сп?кери: Андр?й Жуковський та Роман Гогон – фах?вц?-практики з м?жнародних нафтогазових компан?й. Для кого? ? Фах?вц?в служб охорони прац?. ? Посадових ос?б, як? орган?зовують або контролюють землян? роботи. ?? Ре?страц?я: [] Що обговоримо? ? Першочергов? заходи безпеки для котлован?в ? траншей. ? Як запоб?гти обвалам. ? Розб?р найпоширен?ших небезпечних ситуац?й. ??Також розпов?мо про курс ?Безпека виконання земляних роб?т?, який старту? 2 грудня. ?? Докладно про курс: [] ??♂? Долучайтеся!

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  • ?? ВЕБ?НАР: БЕЗПЕКА ЗЕМЛЯНИХ РОБ?Т ?? 25 листопада ? 14:00–15:00 ?? ZOOM ?? Участь безплатна ?? Сп?кери: Андр?й Жуковський та Роман Гогон – фах?вц?-практики з м?жнародних нафтогазових компан?й. Для кого? ? Фах?вц?в служб охорони прац?. ? Посадових ос?б, як? орган?зовують або контролюють землян? роботи. ?? Ре?страц?я: [] Що обговоримо? ? Першочергов? заходи безпеки для котлован?в ? траншей. ? Як запоб?гти обвалам. ? Розб?р найпоширен?ших небезпечних ситуац?й. ??Також розпов?мо про курс ?Безпека виконання земляних роб?т?, який старту? 2 грудня. ?? Докладно про курс: [] ??♂? Долучайтеся!

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  • Health & Safety English Speaking Club in Ukraine ??

    查看Science and Industry journal of Ukraine "Occupational Safety and Health"的档案

    Science and Industry journal of Ukraine "Occupational Safety and Health"

    Health & Safety English Speaking Club?(HSE-SC) in Ukraine Call for volunteer OHS&E speakers Your contribution to the safe recovery of Ukraine Registration -> Dear Volunteer Health and Safety Professionals, let us invite you to be a guest speaker at the Health and Safety English Speaking Club (HSE-SC) organized in Ukraine. The goal of our project is to prepare Ukrainian health and safety professionals to safely rebuild Ukraine through learning English and becoming familiar with the world-class health and safety practices. This is a request for volunteers – international specialists in the field of occupational safety, health and environment who are ready to conduct 1 lesson in English for an audience of Ukrainian occupational safety and health specialists. The suggested lesson duration is 1 hour (30 minutes for your presentation on any chosen topic on occupational safety and health, or environment), plus 30 minutes for questions and answers. If you have a topic and a free hour one Friday in 2024, we will be very glad to hear from you. The ZOOM link will be sent to you by email before the selected date. We will be very grateful to you for your help and support of Ukraine in difficult times. Organizers: The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH), Science and Industry journal of Ukraine "Occupational Safety and Health" , Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers We will be ready to answer your questions, email [email protected] Registration -> ????????????????

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