Olha Bohdanova , one of the founders of Help Alliance for Ukrainian Workers will participate in the Baltic Security Conference on March 20 with the topic “Health and Safety during Migration and Armed Conflict: Strategies for a Resilient Workforce by 2025.” You are welcome to join us!
#SPEAKERINVITES [ENG BELOW] ??Ielūdz Olga Bogdanova ?? Olha ir darba un veselības aizsardzības profesionāle ar vairāk kā 15 gadu pieredzi ra?o?anas, naftas un gāzes nozarē. ?obrīd Valdes priek?sēdētāja The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) Pla?āk par vi?as profesionālajām gaitām stāstījām jau iepriek?. ??? ?odien Olha pievienojas mums video, sniedzot īsu ieskatu savā gaidāmajā performancē pie mums Rīgā. Jūs sagaida gadījuma izpēte no valsts, kurā darba dro?ības un aizsardzības noteikumus pārrakstījusi reāla kara darbība. Mums ir liels prieks un lepnums uz?emt ?āda līme?a ekspertus uz #BSC2025 skatuves! ?? Darba dro?ības un aizsardzības profesionā?us aicinām sekot Olhas profilam arī LinkedIn, kurā gana regulāri atradīsiet vērtīgu saturu --> https://lnkd.in/dkBB3rs8 ?? Pievienojies mums tur, ja vēlies izmantot lielisko iespēju sastapt vi?u klātienē: https://lnkd.in/d7y_Nbgk [ENG] #SPEAKERINVITES ??Inviting Olga Bogdanova ?? Olha is a workplace health and safety professional with over 15 years of experience in the manufacturing, oil, and gas industries. She is currently the Chairperson of The European Society of Occupational Safety & Health (ESOSH) We have previously shared more about her impressive professional journey. ??? Today, Olha joins us via video, offering a brief preview of her upcoming performance in Riga. Expect a case study from a country where workplace safety and protection regulations have been rewritten by the harsh realities of actual warfare. We are honored and excited to welcome such high-level experts to the #BSC2025 stage! ?? We encourage workplace safety and protection professionals to follow Olha on LinkedIn, where she regularly shares valuable insights → https://lnkd.in/dkBB3rs8 ?? Join us to seize the opportunity to meet her in person: https://lnkd.in/djRjf9dC